Room Booking at Campus for Students and Employees
Overview of how you can reserve rooms on campus for colloquium, teaching, meetings etc.
Rooms for teaching
All reservation of venues for teaching at campus is processed by the Department of Academic Affairs via the timetable office. If necessary to reserve teaching rooms for other activities during office hours:
- Contact the timetable planner
- Timetable System (check for available times before booking)
- Overview - teaching venues and facilities at Campus Ås (NMBU-hjelp)
Group Study Room - for Students and Emplyees
Students and employees can book group study rooms for up to three hours per day and up to 14 days in advance.
Booked rooms that are not in use 20 minutes after the booking time started, can be used by others.
The group rooms at campus are only available for academic purposes and only for students working in groups.
Group rooms in the Urbygningen (Clock building)
Please note that the following group rooms in the Urbygningen have two/three group-tables divided by dividers meaning several groups can be in the room at the same time:
- U222 has three group-tables (A/B/C)
- U226 has two group-tables (A/B)
- U323 has three group-tables (A/B/C)
How to book a group study room in advance
Students and employees
Both students and employees can book group rooms via the reservation system in TimeEdit.
Booking system in TimeEdit for studentsBooking system in TimeEdit for employees- Log in with your Feide user account
- Write your own name in the Comment field (Kommentar). Employees have to find their name in the "Fagperson"-field
- Click "Reserver" to complete the booking
Use of group study rooms
The group rooms are to be used for student work only. Some courses have group-based teaching, and group rooms can be used for this teaching. In that case, this is registered by as part of the scheduling process.
Reserve a venue for a meeting
Booking other venues at Campus Ås
- Auditorium at SKP - please contact them directly
- Vitenparken
- Rooms - Studentsamfunnet in Ås (in Norwegian)
Borrowing venues outside office hours
A selection of NMBU's teaching rooms and canteens/dining rooms are lent out outside office hours and at weekends. The lending service is administrated by the Campus logistics. More information is available on this page, please note that the information is in Norwegian.
- Borrowing venues - evenings and weekends (internal page log-in is required)