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Our research concerns tax and behavioural aspects, and we aim at conducting research that holds high international standards and contribute to an informed public debate.

Centre for Tax Research is a part of the School of Economics and Business at NMBU.

About the centre

  • Contact information

    The leader of the centre is professor Annette Alstadsæter.

    +47 672 31 180

    SKATTEFORSK Senter for skatte- og adferdsforskning
    Postboks 5003
    1432 Ås


  • Researchers from NMBU
  • Other researchers

    Professor, Institutt for Informasjonssystemer, Universitetet i Agder.

    Phd Candidate, Princeton University.

    Seniorforsker Frischsenteret

    Elisa Casi-Eberhard

    Elisa Casi-Eberhard

    Assistant Professor, NHH (Norwegian School of Economics).

    Ronald B. Davies

    Ronald B. Davies

    Professor, School of Economics, University College Dublin.

    Ségal Le Guern Herry

    Ségal Le Guern Herry

    PhD Candidate, Sciences Po.

    Professor, Department of Business Law, Lund University.

    Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.


    Handelshøyskolen, OsloMet

    Professor, Department of Economics and School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.

    Birthe Larsen

    Birthe Larsen

    Associate professor, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School.

    Seniorforsker, Frischsenteret.

    Jakob Miethe

    Jakob Miethe

    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Munich.

    Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Munich. Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys.

    Bluebery Planterose

    Bluebery Planterose

    Research Assistant, EU Tax Observatory. Research Fellow, Social Economics Lab.

    FrischSeniorforsker, Frischsenteret.

    Seniorforsker, Frischsenteret.

    PhD Candidate, University College Dublin.

    Assistant Professor, Financial Accounting and Business Taxation, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management.

    Fagdirektør for helsetjenesteforskning, FHI.

    Associate professor, UC Berkeley. Director of EU Tax Observatory at Paris School of Economics.