CENCE: Climate mitigation and adaptation


The research covers analysis of national and international climate policies, as well as impacts of climate change. One important research area is impacts of CO2 pricing in Norway and the EU, possibly combined with other climate policies. It also covers studies of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), as well as climate risk and adaptation in developing countries. Furthermore, the research includes analysis of markets for carbon-free technologies, e.g. related to renewable energy and carbon capture and storage, and interactions with energy markets.


  • DEVICE: Developing value chains for CO2 storage and blue hydrogen in Europe (NFR, Climit program): The project studies how social acceptance, government policy and regulations, and new business models can sustain the development of efficient value chains for hydrogen and captured CO2 in Europe. The project is led by the Frisch Centre and financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) (2021-2025). CENCE participants: Kine Josefine Aurland-Bredesen, Stefano Ninfole and Knut Einar Rosendahl 
  • Stresstest: Stress-testing the Norwegian economy: The effects of the 1.5°C scenarios on global energy markets and the Norwegian economy (NFR, ENERGIX program). The project aims to provide the public and the decision-makers with a transparent and independent assessment of how major technological, political and behavioral shifts complying with the 1.5°C targets will affect global energy markets, the Norwegian petroleum industry and the Norwegian economy towards 2050. The project is led by Cicero and financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) (2020-2025). CENCE participants: Audun Moss and Knut Einar Rosendahl  
  • Unilateral climate policy: This is a long-standing research topic, exploring effects of unilateral climate policies. One core topic is carbon leakage and measures to mitigate leakage. A number of different policy instruments have been analyzed in different papers, mostly using ex ante simulations on multi-region, multi-sector CGE models. Another core topic has been supply-side climate policies related to reducing oil extraction. CENCE participants: Magnus Merkle and Knut Einar Rosendahl 
  • REDD+ (see under LUP) 

Published - Updated
