Bio4Fuels SP1 - Bio-resources, Environment and Climate:
Climate change mitigation benefits of biofuel production in Norway for trucks, aviation and shipping: influence of wood resource types, conversion technologies, and plant size
A recent study that integrated research activities within Bio4Fuels at NTNU, NMBU and SINTEF shows how the climate change mitigation benefits and costs of biofuels produced from novel technologies can be maximized from a value chain perspective.

Processing 1 Mm3 of feedstock per year can reduce impacts up to 0.55 MtCO2-eq./yr by 2050. Prioritizing production of bio-based jet fuel can mitigate 15% of current Norwegian aviation emissions, while bio-based diesel can reduce shipping emissions by 10%. While the minimum selling price of biofuels is still higher than that of fossil fuels, biofuels offer a lower cost of emission abatement than alternatives like batteries, green hydrogen, and e-fuels.
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Vedant Ballal (NTNU), Marcos Djun Barbosa Watanabe (NTNU), Matteo Gilardi (SINTEF), Eirik Ogner Jåstad (NMBU), Per Kristian Rørstad (NMBU), Bo Huang (NTNU), Marvin Werra (NTNU), Filippo Bisotti (SINTEF), Bernd Wittgens (SINTEF), Francesco Cherubini (NTNU)