PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public Defense.
Marius Steen Dobloug, Department of Paraclinical Sciences (ParaFag), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend his PhD thesis "Probiotic Aliivibrio species in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A novel approach against Moritella viscosa and salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)" on 1 April 2025.
English title of thesis
- "Probiotic Aliivibrio species in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): A novel approach against Moritella viscosa and salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)"
Norwegian title of thesis
- "Probiotiske Aliivibrio -arter i atlantisk laks: En ny fremgangsmåte mot Moritella viscosa og lakselus."
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
- “Development of Norwegian mariculture 1980 to 2025: main obstacles and solutions”
Date: 1 April 2025 (Oslo time)
- 1300 hrs: Trial lecture (including questions and comments)
- 1400 hrs: Break
- 1430 hrs: Public defense
All are welcome to attend this event in Auditorium Hippocampus or on Zoom (no prior registration is required).
- Venue: Auditorium Hippocampus, Elizabeth Stephansens v. 15, 1433 Ås, Norway
- Zoom: The Zoom link will be made available on this webpage a few days prior to the public defense.
Evaluation Committee
- First opponent: Professor Kurt Buchmann, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Second opponent: Dr. Kim Thompson, Moredun Research Institute, United Kingdom
- Committee coordinator: Professor Marina Elisabeth Aspholm, NMBU, Norway
- Main supervisor: Professor Henning Sørum, NMBU, Norway
- Co-supervisor: Professor Øystein Evensen, NMBU, Norway
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Simen Foyn Nørstebø, NMBU, Norway
A PDF version of the PhD candidate's thesis can be downloaded here. The link is valid through 1 April 2025, after which the thesis will be made available in NMBU Brage.