With a love for fruit

By Janne Karin Brodin

Emily at the fruit warehouse

Emily worked in a store in an apple orchard in high school and really loved identifying problems with the fruit. She quickly became interested in studying apples and knew she wanted to work in science.

Emily Follett
Education: Masters in Plant Science
Job: Researcher at NIBIO Ullensvang

What is your current job?

My work focuses on postharvest physiology of apples. This involves designing, executing, and reporting results from experiments that try to increase the storability of apples. I work in a very applied setting, in close collaboration with packinghouses and fruit growers on many experiments. I enjoy the physical part of my job (being out in the field, harvesting fruit, assessing fruit quality during storage, etc.), however it is also very gratifying to do data analysis and find the story to tell based on the results.

My work now could allow me to further specialize in academia, completing a PhD and potential post-doc, and continuing to do research and/or teaching.

Another path could be to work in industry, as a quality manager, consultant, or advisor, for instance. For me personally, as a part of my job at NIBIO, I have just started a PhD at NMBU in collaboration at Cornell University. This will allow me to further specialize my education, eventually lead projects, and will greatly broaden my knowledge.

How was your journy from high school to the job you have today?

I worked in a store of an apple orchard in high school and really loved identifying problems with the fruit. I always knew I wanted to work in science, so quickly became interested in studying apples.

I did my bachelor’s at Cornell University in the US in plant science, focusing on apples (one of my professors even nicknamed me “the apple girl”). While at Cornell, I did an exchange semester at NMBU, and took plant physiology (BOT200), which is one of my all-time favorite classes and finally made all my other classes “click”. From that class, I realized I wanted to work in plant physiology, and after my bachelor’s, started doing field research in the US for a company specializing in storability of fruit.

I learned a lot about commercial growing and storage of apples, but still felt a need to learn how to do research properly, and a personal want to go back to Norway. Hence applying for a master’s at NMBU. I took many great classes at NMBU, but my favorite part was being able to spend a full year on my master’s thesis, and complete the full experimental process (design, execution, reporting). I was fortunate to make a connection with NIBIO Ullensvang, based in large part through my previous work experience, and completed my experiments there on postharvest physiology of apples. I was also fortunate that due to increased apple production and storage in Norway in recent years, there was a need at NIBIO for a researcher specializing in postharvest physiology, and I was able to apply for and get the position while finishing my master’s.

What is your opinion about the student community at NMBU?

I like that at NMBU you are encouraged to collaborate with your classmates, both in and outside of class. It allows for a much broader perspective and deeper understanding of the topics being taught. I also appreciate that the lecturers are always available, and very willing to help their students in a wide manner of ways. In one class I took during my masters, I would regularly stay after for almost 30 minutes just talking to one of the lecturers who had similar academic and personal interests to me.

On a social note, there is always something to do as a student. I love that we have the option of going into Oslo, but that there is so many fun things happening in Ås that you can go weeks without going into the city. I also love that most students live communally, and have made some of my best friends through just happening to be placed together as roommates our first semester. It's also a great way, as an international student, to meet and befriend Norwegians, and learn about the Norwegian culture in a real and honest way.

Do you have any advice for future students?

Don't be afraid to make and use connections! There are so many people who are very willing to help the new wave of young professionals, you just have to put yourself out there. Even if calling or e-mailing stresses you out, it is very worth it in the end. Also, if you are really passionate about your field of study, embrace it. Genuine passion and excitement is hard to fake, and can really set you apart both in school and in later work environments. Engage in classes, ask lots of questions, and be curious, but it's also ok if it takes you some time to process and you have questions the following lecture. NMBU has lots of resources, and many great faculty, and it's worth taking the time to interact with your professors. Pay attention in every class, you never know which one could change your life!

Published - Updated
