Water Law Congress in Oslo 2026 - Save the Date

By Egil Jahren

fjellrekke som strekker seg ut i havet, med en turgåer i forgrunnen, sola står lavt
Oslo Waterlaw Congress ask you to save the date, 24-26 June 2026Photo: Shutterstock.com

Welcome to the International Water Law Congress Oslo, 24-26 June 2026. We ask you to save the date, more information will follow.

The central theme will be: Water law and governance in times of climate change and biodversity loss.

We welcome participants with a diverse range of backgrounds, disciplines and professions, from law to economics to hydrology. The event will be relevant for all professionals working at the intersection of water law, governance, and policy.

The congress will be a meeting place to share experiences, promote discussion, and present new knowledge, research results, and developments in the fields of water law, regulations, and governance from around the world.


Logos for all four hosts: NMBU, AIDA, NIVA and UiO


The Congress will take place at the University of Oslo, in venues near Oslo's main street, Karl Johans gate.


Calls for panels, keynotes and abstracts will be announced before summer 2025


Contact information will be available shortly.

Published - Updated
