Note 5: The Difference Between Personal Data and Anonymous Data

By Benjamin Gøtestam

Cover notes

For more information visit Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research.

Skatteforsk – Centre for Tax Research is an independent research center based at the School of Economics and Business at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge academic research and practical tax policy. A key aspect of our work is the use of pseudonymized and anonymized data, which plays a vital role in driving innovation and advancing the academic frontier.

In 2024, Skatteforsk has focused extensively on expanding our expertise in data usage for research purposes. Highlights include hosting a special session on the “Use of Leaked Data in Academic Research” at the 80th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance in Prague and organizing a workshop series with Norwegian public institutions on “The Public Sector’s Use of Its Own Data.” The outcomes of these initiatives will be published later as part of this Notes Series.

Given the importance of clearly defining what we mean by anonymized/pseudonymized data and anonymization across our work, this note lays the groundwork for these discussions. It serves as a foundational building block for outcomes from initiatives like those mentioned above and future efforts in this area.

Published - Updated
