30 September - Marianne Mosberg (LANDSAM)

By Josie Teurlings

Marianne Mosberg, portrett
Marianne Mosberg will defend her doctoral thesis on 30 September 2024Photo: NMBU

Doctorate: Trial lecture and thesis defence. Marianne Mosberg, Noragric, (Faculty of Landscape and Society) will defend her thesis The politics of climate change adaptation, vulnerability, and conflict dynamics: Insights from southeastern Myanmar

Tittle for the trial lecture:
“Recognizing indigenous and traditional knowledge in adapting to climate-changed futures in the Anthropocene: Opportunities and challenges.”.

Time and Place:

Monday 30 September
Bikuben (Gullvepsen) and online

12:15 Welcome and trial lecture
13:25 Presentation of the research and public defence

Evaluation committee:

  • Professor Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung, University of Massachusetts Lowel, USA
  • Senior Research Fellow Elise Remling, University of Canberra, Australia
  • Associate Professor Esben Leifsen, Noragric, LANDSAM, NMBU


  • Main supervisor: Professor Siri Eriksen, Department of Public Health, LANDSAM, NMBU
  • Co supervisor: Senior Researcher Marte Nilsen, Peace Research Institute Oslo

For ore information about her research please check: Unjust climate initiatives in Myanmar | NMBU

Published - Updated
