PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence. Abhishesh Pal, Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) will defend his PhD thesis "An End-to-End Learning-based Framework for Anticipatory Scheduling of Logistic Support Robots in Fruit Harvesting Scenarios" on 27 September 2024.
Norwegian title of thesis:
"Et ende-til-ende læringsbasert rammeverk for prediktiv planlegging av logistikkroboter i frukthøstingsscenarier"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Swarm Robotics - background and current applications"
Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Friday 27 September 2024
10:15 Trial lecture
12:15 Public defence
Place: Festsalen (U215), Urbygningen, NMBU
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Associate Professor Patricia Amâncio Vargas, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Second opponent: Professor Marley Maria Bernardes Rebuzzi Vellasco, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Committee coordinator: Professor Ibrahim Abdelfattah Abdelhameed, REALTEK, NMBU
Main supervisor: Associate Professor Antonio Candea Leite, REALTEK, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Pål Johan From, REALTEK, NMBU (now Saga Robotics)
Co-supervisor: Professor Jon Glenn Gjevestad, REALTEK, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review. If you want access to the thesis in pdf, please send an email to
Please include name of candidate and thesis number 2024:3, ISSN: 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1781-6