Historical Archive of Norwegian Landscape Architecture in an Exhibition in the National Museum - Architecture

By Annegreth Dietze-Schirdewahn

Exhibition opening in February 2019, National Museum Norway

In 2019 it is 100 years since landscape architecture was taught for the first time in Ås Norway. The National Museum – Architecture in collaboration with the School of Landscape Architecture at NMBU mark this anniversary with the exhibition OUTDOOR MATTERS.

2019 is 100 years since landscape architecture was taught for the first time in Ås Norway. The National Museum – Architecture in collaboration with the School of Landscape Architecture at NMBU mark this anniversary with the exhibition OUTDOOR MATTERS.

Almost all objects in the exhibition are chosen from the collections in the Historical Archive of Norwegian Landscape Architecture. The focus lays on the pioneers of landscape architecture in Norway from 1900 to the 1960s, figures such as Olav l. Moen, Karen Reistad, Torborg Z. Frölich, Eyvind Strøm and Grindaker & Gabrielsen.

The “Archive room” in the exhibition with original documents from the pioneers in landscape architecture, National Museum Norway/Frode Larsen
The “Archive room” in the exhibition with original documents from the pioneers in landscape architecture, National Museum Norway/Frode Larsen 

The exhibition started in February 2019 with a very popular launch evening that attracted 600 visitors. Since then there have been exhibition-related activities such as guided tours, lectures and presentations.

Exhibition opening in February 2019, National Museum Norway
Exhibition opening in February 2019, National Museum Norway

The exhibition is a great success and an indicator how important this topic is to a broad audience.

To present this important and impressive time of the establishment of Norwegian Landscape Architecture in the 20th century, a book was also launched in conjunction with the exhibition.

Book Cover Outdoor Voices
Showing Book Cover

Reviews and news related to the exhibition and book launch:






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Park og Anlegg


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