Skatteforsk and KREM seminar: Christoph Böhringer

By Benjamin Gøtestam

Christoph Böhringer

Welcome to this joint seminar with Skatteforsk- Centre for Tax Research and the Climate, Resources, Energy, and Environment (KREM) research group!

For this seminar we are excited to host Christoph Böhringer, Professor at the University of Oldenburg, who will present his paper “The Incidence of Carbon Pricing: From Input-Output via Microsimulation to General Equilibrium”. Join us on Thursday 29. August from 11:00-12:00, room T132 in the Tower building at NMBU or participate through the teams link below.

Venue: Room T132, the Tower building, NMBU. Time and date: 11:00-12:00, 29th of August. Contact person: Benjamin Gøtestam (

Title: The Incidence of Carbon Pricing: From Input-Output via Microsimulation to General Equilibrium


To combat global warming many countries have pledged drastic reductions of CO2 emissions and intend to achieve these via stringent carbon pricing. The societal acceptance of such carbon pricing will critically hinge on the magnitude and distribution of induced economic adjustment costs across heterogeneous households. To inform decision makers on the incidence of carbon pricing, economists draw upon three established quantitative methods: input–output, microsimulation, and computable general equilibrium. This paper provides a cross-comparison of the three methods applied to the illustrative example of carbon pricing in Germany. We highlight that – in comparison to a general equilibrium analysis – input–output and microsimulation analyses neglect important behavioral responses of economic agents in production and consumption and hence tend to underestimate both emissions reductions and economic adjustment costs of carbon pricings.

Authors: Christoph Böhringer, Florian Landis, Miguel A. Tovar Reanos

You can also follow the seminar online, through this link. Meeting ID: 378 565 614 526 Passcode: Vq6iCH

Published - Updated
