Call for Papers: Skatteforum 2024 in Stavanger

By Hector Enoc Ulloa Chinchilla

Obrestad Fyr
Photo: Ola Moen (Google Reviews)

On the 22nd- 23rd of October, Skatteforsk will be hosting the yearly Skatteforum conference. Skatteforum 2024 will take place in Stavanger, in collaboration with the Kåkånomics Festival and the University of Stavanger.

Submit your paper by filling out this form. Deadline: 1st of August 2024.

Skatteforum is a meeting place between academics, policy makers and other stakeholders interested in taxation research in Norway and abroad. This year's program will start at 11:00 on the 22nd of October (with registration and lunch) and will conclude with two events at the Kåkånomics Festival's opening day during the evening of the 23rd of October.

Skatteforum 2024 will include research presentations as well as networking opportunities and spaces for informal discussions. The conference's keynote presentation will be given by Nadine Riedel from the University of Münster. To spur interaction between academia and applied tax policy, we will also organize panel discussions with, among others, the Norwegian Tax Director, Nina Schanke Funnemark.

We are now opening for paper submissions. We especially encourage work at an early stage and, in particular, we seek submissions by early career researchers, including PhD students.

We seek high quality submissions on taxation from a variety of fields, including economics, law, accounting, and finance.

The preliminary program can be accessed here.

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Know someone that might be interested in participating? Feel free to share and tweet the submission link:

Published - Updated
