Welcome to Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research's May seminar!
This month we are excited to host Kristoffer Berg, research fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation. Join us on Thursday 16. May either on the NMBU campus or through the teams link below. The seminar is open to anyone interested.
Venue: Tårnbygningen, room T451, NMBU. Time: 13:00-13:45 Contact person: Benjamin Gøtestam (benjamin.gotestam@nmbu.no)
Title: Taxing Corporate or Shareholder Income: A Sufficient-Statistics Approach
Abstract: As tax competition and profit shifting put pressure on corporate income tax rates across the world, the role of other capital taxes become more important. This paper studies the choice between income taxation at the corporate and shareholder level. I develop a tractable sufficient-statistics framework to determine optimal corporate and shareholder income taxes. My main result is that when the incidence of the corporate income tax on workers is higher than that of shareholder income taxes, lower tax rates on corporate relative to shareholders income are typically optimal. One driver of the result is income inequality between workers and shareholders, such that governments are particularly concerned with tax incidence on workers. To determine the incidence on each group, I exploit Norwegian tax reforms and data to estimate the relative effects on corporate, labour and shareholder income from reforms to corporate and shareholder income taxes. In a policy application, I derive optimal reform directions for corporate and shareholder income taxes for the US and Norway.
Author: Kristoffer Berg, Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
Use this link to join via teams. Passcode: 69nBUt Meeting ID: 374 010 983 160