Welcome to Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research's second seminar this April!
This time out, we are hosting Martin Blomhoff Holm, Assistant Professor at the University of Oslo. Join us next Thursday either in person on NMBU's campus or watch via the teams link below. The seminar is open, and everyone is welcome to attend!
Time: Thursday 25th of April, 11:15-12:00. Venue: T451, Tower building, NMBU. Contact person: Benjamin Gøtestam (benjamin.gotestam@nmbu.no).
Title: "Estimating the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks"
Abstract: "This paper studies the spending responses to news about a dividend tax reform to estimate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). The Norwegian dividend tax reform was planned in 2003, announced in 2004, and implemented in 2006, and raised the dividend tax rate by 28 percentage points. We compare the spending responses of exposed households with a high share of dividends to income before the reform to a control group. Exposed households responded to the reform by increasing spending after the news and reducing spending after implementation. We interpret our findings using a capitalist-worker framework with dividend tax news shocks. The model can replicate the spending response to the dividend tax news only if the EIS is greater than one, with a baseline estimate of around 2."
Use this link to join via Teams. Passcode: 93Pv58 Meeting ID: 346 114 640 955