Master's degree (2 years)
Full time
Applied Economics and Sustainability

The master program will give you a solid foundation in applied economics, economic methods, and its application to sustainability.  

Application deadline:

Norwegian, Nordic, EU/EEA and Swiss citizens: 15th of April. 

Students outside EU/EEA/EFTA: 1st of December.

Non-EU/EEA/EFTA citizens must pay tuition fees:


Start of Studies:

Autumn 2025

Number of students:


Required points:

C (2024)


Bachelor's Degree in Economics or similar

  • Requirements in detail

    Applicants with a Bachelor degree in economics or other relevant fields. The degree should include courses in mathematics and statistics and intermediate level courses in micro- and macroeconomics.

    All the grades from the bachelor degree will be counted in the average grade. A weighted average grade of C or better is required for admission to the programme.

    Admission requirements

    Applicants must demonstrate English language ability in accordance with the NMBU regulations for programmes taught in English: Language requirements for programmes taught in English at NMBU | NMBU

Studenter NMBU

The master program in Applied Economics and Sustainability will give you a solid foundation in applied economics, economic methods, and its application to sustainability.  

The core of the program has a focus on how theory is applied to address real world problems, using analytical methods and contemporary software (e.g., R and Python). The program draws heavily on the research done at the School of Economics and Business in environmental, energy, resource and climate economics, development economics, public economics and taxation, and financial and commodity market analysis. 

Full overview of programme structure

Career opportunities

Economists have specialized knowledge on how the economy influences societies and the well-being of inhabitants. This makes economists well suited to work on issues in environmental policy, energy systems, development aid, enterprise development, trade policy and general economic policy. Economists are therefore in high demand in the private and public sectors as well as by many non-governmental organizations.


Hajar Benhammou, former student at Applied Economics and Sustainability


- The possiblity of combining courses of interest with mandatory courses was also interesting for me, in that way I could tailor my own degree. In addition, this is in an international study program, that gives opportunity to form friendships with people from many different countries all over the world. This opened up new perspectives and contributed to engaging discussions in the classroom. An interdisciplinary master's degree, such as the master's Applied Economics and Sustainability at NMBU, is very relevant in the job I will be starting at Skatteetaten. 


Read student stories and get information about the student life at NMBU here.


Do you have questions for the study counselor?

If you have any questions about the study program that you cannot find the answer to here, you are welcome to contact us. Feel free to contact us by email at or by phone directly to the study counselor. You can also book a study guidance appointment if you wish to schedule a meeting.

  • Learning outcomes

    Learning outcomes

    Learning outcomes
    A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have the following learning outcomes:
    - Has advanced knowledge about microeconomic theory including producer and consumer behavior, and allocation of scarce resources, and how it relates to sustainability
    - Is able to formulate research questions, identify and collect relevant data, and consult and critically assess economic literature.
    - Has a strong understanding of how economic sustainability involves understanding trade-offs and opportunity costs in production, consumption, resource use and the government’s role in defining societal targets.
    - Insight into one of the key specialties at the School of Economics and Business e.g., climate, energy, resource, environment, or developmental economics, public economics, and taxation.

    - Identify and analyze contemporary problems using economic theory and evaluate their relevance
    - Undertake and complete an independent research project in economics including data collection, analysis, and draw conclusions.
    - Formulate researchable questions that links understanding of economy theory with its relevance for natural and environmental sciences, other social science, development studies, finance and commodity market analysis, or food and agricultural sciences; and
    - Apply advanced methods to analyze economic data and phenomenon, draw valid conclusions, and make relevant policy recommendations.

    General competency:
    - Identify, review and evaluate different theories and positions, primary and secondary data, and research and other publications; and to extract reliable information from these sources and identify knowledge gaps.
    - Work independently, or with direct responsibility to a diverse, interdisciplinary team to organize, plan, and conduct assigned tasks to achieve common goals in a timely fashion.
    - Build teams and inter-personal communication across cultures and across academic fields.
    - Communicate clearly and effectively, in speech and writing, about complex problems and solutions in ways tailored to different audiences.
    - Develop writing skills and learn to evaluate and use primary and secondary sources of data in the academic writing in line with ethical standards.

  • Exchange possibilities
    NMBU School of Economics and Business highly recommends its students to include a semester or a year of study abroad in their education. The department and the university have exchange agreements with universities across the world.

    For students interested in a semester exchange, it is recommended that this takes place in the first second semester. If you plan to go on exchange, please make an appointment with your study advisor.

    You will have the option to select an internship as part of your studies.
  • Program structure

    The master’s degree consists of 120 ECTS, including a 30 ECTS master’s thesis.

    The program is structured in four parts:

    A set of mandatory courses in mathematics, economics, data analysis, econometrics, introductory programming, public economics and taxation, and sustainability (55 ECTS).

    Specialization profiles in Environment, Climate, and Energy; Financial and Commodity Market Analysis; or elective courses (35 ECTS). The electives in the program can be either in one of the profiles, or freely chosen among the courses offered at NMBU. NB! The profile in Financial and Commodity Market Analysis requires BUS220 or equivalent from the bachelor level.

    Master thesis (30 ECTS)

    Full overview of programme structure

  • More about the program
    • Societal relevance
      Viktige tema innen samfunnsøkonomi er hvordan knappe ressurser, som naturressurser, arbeidskraft, teknologi og produksjonsutstyr, blir brukt på ulike vis for å tilfredsstille menneskelige behov gjennom produksjon av varer og tjenester. Studiet tar opp hvordan og hvorfor produksjon og forbruk organiseres forskjellig i ulike land til ulike tider. Samfunnsøkonomien ser også på hvordan ressurser blir fordelt mellom grupper og individer, og hvordan myndighetene påvirker produksjon, forbruk og fordeling.
    • Learning activities
      The courses included in the program use a diverse set of pedagogical approaches including traditional lectures, group- and teamwork case studies, excursions and field trips and digital learning tools. There is a focus on student centered learning.

      A student mentorship program is implemented where 2nd year students act as mentors for 1st year students. A student conference takes place each spring where master students present their work.

      During work with the master thesis, students will be assigned a supervisor which provides ongoing feedback and assistance from beginning to end. Supervisors will be allocated according to students’ topics of interest.
    • Examination
      Individual courses in the program use a range of different assessment methods including semester assignments, project reports, peer review, presentations, and exams. All assessments are constructively aligned with each course’s learning outcomes, and courses in the program are selected such that they together meet the learning outcomes of the program. Assessments in courses are such that students will meet a variety of different assessment methods throughout the program.
    • Equipment
      In this study program we use computers in learning situations and on exams. Therefore every student must have their own laptop as per, the Academic Regulations for the Norwegian University of Life Sciences § 17-4.

Study advisor(s):

Marius Sørlie Eriksen
