LabTek - chemical analyses
LabTek is a commissioned laboratory with a main focus on chemical analysis within livestock nutrition and aquaculture. We contribute results to the research at NMBU as well as to external clients. We also have student courses and Ph.D. guidance in laboratory analyses.

Contact info
Phone: +47 67232738
Visiter addressOpening hours:
Kl 08:00-15.45
15. May until 14. September:
Kl 08:00 - 15:00
About LabTek
LabTek is an analysis laboratory that contributes results to research at Biovit, at NMBU and to external clients.
LabTek offers:
To ensure the quality of our analyzes and the results we deliver, LabTek participates in the NEPT proficiency test twice a year
Dry matter, ash, NDF, ADF, ADL, AIA, CF, kjeldahl-N, starch, sugars, lactic acid, ethanol, methanol, crude fat, calorimetry (gross energy), elemental analyzes (C, H, tot-N, S, as well as various elements), amino acid analysis, FAME, methane, Volatile fatty acids (VFA) as well as various clinical analyses, and can develop new methods on demand.
LabTek has advanced analytical instruments at its disposal and can, as the research at Biovit and others demand it, develop new methods.
Term of use
Booking and prices (for new prices for 2025 see the Norwegian page or contact us! )
Hourly rate and order form
General analyses
Rumen fluid
Clinical analyses
Other analyses and services
Course offers
Visiting address : Oluf Thesens vei 6, 1433 Ås Mail address : Postboks 5003 NMBU 1432 Ås
Delivery address: Oluf Thesens vei 22A, 1433 Ås (Att: LabTek)