Breakfast meeting 28. Sept: Making the most of it – optimal bio-resource utilization

Collage - seminar 28.sept
Welcome to breakfast meeting the 28th of september 2023. Photo: Shutterstock

Working with the utilization of biobased resources or products? Curious about how we can make the most of the biological resources available to us in a sustainable way?

Join us for a “glimpse of the future» on September 28th at Oslo Science Park from 8.30-10.30. We will take a special look at new approaches to marine and land resources for future needs.

We love to welcome you and your colleagues to a breakfast meeting during Oslo Innovation Week. Here you will meet future-looking scientists and advisors connected to different industries. This seminar is made in collaboration with the Life Science Cluster.

Johanna Liberg Krook is an industrial PhD-student working at Orkla. She shares insights from seaweed and kelp research in today’s food industry and offers a “glimpse of the future”. 

Professor Øystein Evensen is collaborating with SFI Harvest. This SFI works to develop scientific and technological know-how to harvest and process marine species with underused potential. How can responsible management, of hitherto under-harvested species can be a sustainable resource for the future? 

Ragnhild Aabøe Inglingstad is a special advisor for Tine. Her specialty is goats. Goat farming has a long history in Norway, but also represents a sustainable way to utilize areas that cannot be used for intensive agricultural farming. What is the goat’s role in the future?   

Marije Oostindjer is a Chief Advisor Bioprocesses and Business Strategy at Norilia. This company has commercialized enzymatic protein hydrolysis as a tool to turn poultry rest raw materials into ingredients for pet food and human consumption. Oostindjer will share insights from this industrialization journey and discuss future applications of this technology. 

The seminar is held at Oslo Reseach Park. It will also be streamed

More information and sign-up can be found here


08.30 – 09.00: Mingling and light breakfast

09.00 – 09.20: Introduction by Finn-Arne Weltzien (pro-rector Research, NMBU) & Hanne Mette Dyrlie Kristensen (CEO, The Life Science Cluster)

09.20 – 09.35: How can seaweed and kelp help? Johanna Liberg Krook (industrial PhD, Orkla/NMBU)

09.35 – 09.50: Marine sourced feed ingredients for farmed salmon – still an option? – Øystein Evensen (professor NMBU, SFI Harvest)

09.50 – 10.05: Goats -an undervalued protein source? – Ragnhild Aabøe Inglingstad (spesialrådgiver Geit, Tine)

10.05 – 10.20: Enzymatic protein hydrolysis – key to turn rest raw materials around? – Marije Oostindjer (Chief Advisor Bioprocesses and Business Strategy, Norilia)

10.20 – 10.30: Questions and answers v/ The Life Science Cluster

This seminar is a part of the seminar-series "From idea to success", and is a part of the project «Entreprenørskapslandsbyen Campus Ås». Trough these seminars you get insights into different innovation stories, and possibilities at NMBU and Campus Ås.

The project «Entreprenørskapslandsbyen Campus Ås» is in collaboration between Ard Innovasjon, Aggrator og NMBU. All are a part of the innovation system at NMBU and Campus Ås. The project is financed by Viken fylkeskommune.

Logo NMBU, Aggrator, Ard og Viken fylkeskommune og TLSC
Photo: NMBU / Aggrator / Ard InnovationTLSC / Viken fylkeskommune

Published - Updated
