Welcome: Master in International Environmental Studies

By Vilma Veronica Bischof

Internasjonale studenter fra Noragric på campus Ås NMBU

Congratulations on securing admission to the Master in International Environmental Studies. The Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric) at the Faculty of Landscape and Society looks forward to welcoming you on Monday, 12 August 2024.

Introduction Day Noragric

Date: 12 August 2024
Location: Økonomikantina (click to access Mazemap)

10:00 – 10:10
Welcome by Head of Department, Jennifer Joy West

10:10 – 10:40 
Introduction to Noragric’s studies by the programme leaders:

B-IEDS - Lars Kåre Grimsby
M-IR - Stig Jarle Hansen
M-IES - Guri Bang
M-GDS - Poul Wisborg

10:40 – 10:45
Study advisers:

B-IEDS - Jørn Kongsten Brevik
M-IES, M-GDS and M-IR - Vilma V. Bischof

10:45 – 10:55
Welcome and information on Globalis - Susana Kvan
Information on Buddy Week

11:00 – 12:00
Lunch for all students at the Faculty for Landscape and Society

Welcome by Dean, Faculty of Landscape and Society, Per-Martin Norheim-Martinsen

12:00 – 13:30
Panel discussion: Big Elections and the future of democracy  

2024 is ‘the big election year’ with elections in 60 democracies around the world. This panel will address key issues reflected in elections and election campaigns in a selected group of countries.  

Panel Chair: Poul Wisborg 

Right-wing populism in the EU, Katharina Glaab 

Drivers and challenges of women's rise to power in Mexico, Noé Manuel Mendoza Fuente 

Trumpism and consequences for US climate policy, Guri Bang 

Hindu nationalism in India, Shai Divon 

Russia: Autocracy and Putin’s ambitions for a new world order, Kirsti Stuvøy 

Introduction to Environmental Studies - Course EDS303


Published - Updated
