Guidelines for exemption due to public holidays
The Ministry of Education "refers to the Universities and Colleges Act section 43 fifth paragraph that the institution, as far as is possible and reasonable, must facilitate the study situation for students with special needs. The facilitation must not lead to a reduction of the academic requirements set for the individual course "
The educational institution and student should work together on good and appropriate solutions for facilitation.
At NMBU, students can in reference to Act on trudom society and other matters (Lov om trudomssamfunn og ymist anna) section 27a apply for postponed exams, postponed compulsory activity etc.
Anyone who does not belong to the Church of Norway has the right to time off from work, schooling, service and the like for up to two days each year in connection with religious holidays according to their religion.
The Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL)
Applications for postponed exams or postponed compulsory teaching must be sent to the faculty you belong to as quickly as possible and, as a general rule, no later than 14 days before the public holiday. The faculty and the student can jointly come up with a solution for whether/how the exam, test, compulsory teaching, performance, lab exercises etc. can be retaken.