France Agro 3





Lille, Lyon og Toulouse

Agreement type


Study places

9 (see details under agreement)

About the study place

France Agro 3 is a consortium made up of 3 institutions: Junia ISA in Lille, Isara Lyon and INP Purpan in Toulouse.

  • About the agreement

    The agreement applies for agricultural subjects, food science, natural sciences, environmental subjects and agroecology (both bachelor's and master's)

    Note that the consortium consists of three institutions in different cities:

    ISARA - Lyon
    Junia - Lille

    1 semester

  • Who can apply

    For all Erasmus agreements, you must have completed 60 credits before your stay abroad begins.

  • Duration of exchange

    1-2 semesters

  • Language teaching

    French and English. Entire semester in English in food and wine (Bachelor's level). Global semester (Master's level, spring only). Full course catalogue

  • <strong>The duration of the semester at the&nbsp;partner university</strong>

    Autumn semester: September-December.
    Spring semester: January-June.

  • Tuition fees

    Erasmus students must pay the semester fee and register for the semester at NMBU for the semester they are abroad, but then do not have to pay the semester fee or other tuition fees at the partner university.