English Language requirements

English taught programmes have the following requirements for proficiency in English.

Please note that the NMBU requirements are stricter than the requirements set in the GSU list for Higher Education Entrance Qualification.  

Approved tests:

Applicants with a lower score than the listed requirement will not be offered admission.
The test result cannot be older than two years.

Programme TestBachelorMasterPhD
TOEFL (iBT) or TOEFL (IBT) Home Edition
(Institutional code: 8457)
IELTS Academic or IELTS Academic online
(Institutional code: 6935) required overall band score
First certificate in English
Level B2
Grade B
or better 
Certificate in Advanced English
Level C1
Grade C
or better 
Level C1
Grade C
or better
Level C1
Grade C 
or better 
Certificate of Proficiency
Level C2
Grade C
or better
Level C2 
Grade C
or better 
Level C2
Grade C 
or better 
Pearson PTE Academic596565
Vg1 course in English at Norwegian upper secondary school (140 hours)444
Advanced course in English at Norwegian upper secondary schoolPassPassPass

Approved education:

  • -Minimum one year of studies on university level in Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Canada, New Zealand or Australia. Please note that branch campus, validated and franchised programmes and distance learning students are not exempt from providing an English test. Having worked in an English speaking environment or lived in an English speaking country does not satisfy the English language requirement.
  • -Bachelor degree or minimum one year of master studies (60 ECTS) with English as the medium of instruction completed in one of the Nordic countries.|
  • -University degree in English language and/or literature. This means that the subject of study is the English language. A degree in other disciplines taught in English does not meet this requirement. You must have passed linguistic courses in English equal to at least 60 ECTS.
  • -IB Diploma: English A with grade 3 or better or English B with grade 5 or better.
  • -Applicants educated in a country listed with no English requirement in the NOKUT GSU list are exempt from the above test requirement. Applicants with High school from USA must order transcripts sent directly to admission@nmbu.no 
  • If your country is listed with "Yes, Yes 1, Yes 2, Yes 3 or Yes 4",  documentation of English (with a test or education as listed above) is required.
  • -Upper secondary education from one of the countries listed below, with satisfactory completion of the specified English language course.
CountryCourseGrade/ levels
AustriaEnglish at Reifeprüfung, Matura or Reifeprüfungszeugnis (at AHS)2 or better
Belgium – Flemish-speakingEnglish at Algemeen Secundair OnderwijsPassed
Belgium – French-speakingEnglish at general secondary education (Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur) 15 or better
BulgariaEnglish as 1. foreign language at Diploma za sredno obrazovanieMnogu dobur or better
DenmarkEnglish C7 or better at ÷ 3-12 scale or 8 or better at 00-13 scale(average of all grades) 
DenmarkEnglish A or B02 at ÷ 3-12 scale or 6 at 00-13 scale(average of all grades) 
EstoniaEnglish foreign language A or B at Löputunnistus5,0 (from 2014)
EstoniaNational exam in English at Riigieksamitunnistus58 % or better (1997-2001 and from 2014- to date.) or 61% or better (from 2002-2013) 
FinlandEnglish A at avgångsbetyget från gymnasiet / Lukion päästotodistus  

English lång lärokurs on studentexamensbetyget/ ylioppilastutkintotodistus 
8 or better  

 Cum laude approbatur
FranceEnglish at baccalauréat11 or better
Faroe IslandsEnglish at niveau C at studentsprógv  
English at niveau B or A at studentsprógv
English at niveau C  at studentsprógv
English at niveau B or A at studentsprógv
9 or better in grade scale 00-13  
6 in grade scale 00-13
7 or better in grade scale ÷3-12 
02 in grade scale ÷3-12
GermanyEnglish at Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife10 punkte or better
GreenlandEnglish nivå C at Grønlands gymnasiale uddannelse or Højere handelsexam (HHX) or Højere teknisk exam (HTX)7 or better Grade scale ÷3-12 (7,0 average oral and written) 9 or better Grade scale 00-13 (9,0 average oral and written) 
Hungary   Upper secondary school, English specialization, emet szintu erettsegi vizsgaGrade 4 or better
IcelandEnglish at Stúdentspróf with 200-240 fein (framhaldsskolaeiningar) (certificate after the 2008 reform)       English at Stúdentspróf with 140 einingar (certificate before the 2008 reform)10 fein in English at level 2 or 3 (2. or 3. Þrep) with grade 8,0 or better(average of all modules or of yearly Grade (árseinkunnir / námseinkunn) or exams Grade (prófseinkunn)  9 einingar in English with grade 8,0 or better (average of all modules or of yearly Grade (árseinkunnir / námseinkunn) or exams Grade (prófseinkunn) 
LatviaState exam in English at Vispārējās Vidējās Izglītības Sertifikāts (from 2013) At least 70% at level B2 or C1
LithuaniaEnglish at B2-level at Brandos atestato priedas

English at B1-level at Brandos atestato priedas

Grade 4 or better  

Grade 8,26 in average of the grades in the subject English
PolandEnglish specialization, poziom rozszerzony, at Diploma for upper secondary after 2005 Dobry or better
RomaniaEnglish exam at Diploma de BacalaureatB2-level at all five separate tests
SloveniaEnglish as first foreign language at Spricevalo o splošni maturi or Spricevalo o poklicni maturi Prav dobro/4 or better
SwedenEnglish 5 and 6 at GY11 
English A at Programgymnasiet  
English B at Programgymnasiet   
English at Linjegymnasiet

Grade C in both subjects
English A with grade VG or MVG 
English B with grade G or better (average of all grades In English) 
Årskurs 2 from 2- pg 3-year course with grade 4 or better or English etapp 2 from komvux with grade 4 or better 
SwitzerlandEnglish at Maturitätszeugnis, Certificat de Maturité, Baccalauréat or Attesto di Maturità Grade 5 or better
The NetherlandsEnglish at VWO 
English at HAVO
Grade 6 or better 
Grade 7 or better

Language requirements for programmes taught in Norwegian  

NMBU offers bachelor programs, master programs and non degree studies with Norwegian as medium of instruction. For these programs/courses, proficiency in Norwegian and English is required.