Conference participation

Conference participation 2024

Professor Stein T. Holden presented a paper titled "Does War Enhance or Undermine Other-regarding Preferences and Trust?" written by Stein T. Holden and Mesfin Tilahun, at the Norwegian Economists' Association Annual Conference in Trondheim, 28-29 November 2024

Land Reform and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia. Insights from 30 years of research, presentation by Professor Stein T. Holden at the Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia (AESE). Theme: The Nexus between Land Reforms and Food Systems: Implications of Half-a-Century Journey for Sustainable Transformation of Ethiopian Food Systems, November 28-29, 2024.

Professor Stein T. Holden presented a paper titled "Can Climate Shocks Make Vulnerable Subjects More Willing To Take Risks?" published in Environmental and Resource Economics (March 2024) at the 4th Global Congress on CLIMATE CHANGE, September 2024.

Professor Stein T. Holden presented a paper titled "Measurement Error and Farm Size: Do Nationally Representative Surveys Provide Reliable Estimates?" written by Stein T. Holden, Clifton Makate, and Sarah Tione, at World Bank Land Conference 2024: Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action, May 2024.

Conference participation 2023

Holden, S. T. & Tilahun, M. (2023). Can climate shocks make vulnerable subjects more willing to take risks? Paper presented at the Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14-15, 2023.

Holden. S. T. (2023). Social Preferences, Trust, and Performance of Youth Business Groups. Invited speaker presentation at the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society's 37th Annual Conference, 7th-10th February 2023, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Holden, S. T. (2023). Can climate shocks make vulnerable subjects more willing to take risks? Presentation at the Department of Economics and Public Policy, University of Adelaide, Australia, February 19th, 2023.

Conference participation 2022
Huafeng Zhang and Stein T. Holden (2022). Numeracy skills learning of children in Africa: - Are disabled children lagging behind? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Norwegian Economists (Forskermøtet), Stavanger University, 25-26. October, 2022.

Holden, S. T., Tione, S., Tilahun, M., and Katengeza, S. (2022). The Predictive Power of Luck: Luck and Risk-Taking in a Repeated Risky Investment Game. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Norwegian Economists (Forskermøtet), Stavanger University, 25-26. October, 2022.

Aryal J. P., Holden S. T., Bhattarai M., and Rahut D. B., (2022). Exploration of farm mechanization among smallholder farmers: Evidence from Indian states of Haryana and Bihar. Paper presented at the Asian Economic Development Conference 2022, under the theme ‘Inclusive, sustainable recovery in Asia and the Pacific, 14-15 July 2022, organized by the Asian Development Bank, in Tokyo, Japan. 

Conference participation 2018
Stein T. Holden will present paper with the title "Gender Differences in Risk Tolerance, Trust and Trustworthiness: Are They Related?" written together with Mesfin Tilahun at the Nordic Conference on Development Economics 2018 at Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland, 11.-12. June.

Stein T. Holden presented papers with the title "Land rental as a complementary income source for land-poor youth" and "Probability Weighting and Fertilizer Use in a State-Contingent Framework" written together with John Quiggin at the 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economics (ICAE) in Vancouver, USA, 28. July - 2. August. He has also presented the paper with the title "The Impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on Fertilizer Adoption by Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from Tigray, Northern Ethiopia" written together with Girma Berhe.

Conference participation 2017

Stein T. Holden, professor at the School of Economics and Business and Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye, postdoctoral researcher at the School of Economics and Business gave presentations at the Nordic Conference in Development Economics on 12-13. June in Göteborg University.

Stein T. Holden, professor at the School of Economics and Business was a speaker at the 2017 Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries (SEEDEC) that was held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK on April 20th-21st.

Stein T. Holden held presentation with the title "THE IMPORTANCE OF OSTROM’S DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Youth Group Performance in Northern Ethiopia" and Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye held presentation with the title "LAND DISTRIBUTION IN NORTHERN ETHIOPIA FROM 1998 to 2016: Gender-disaggregated, Spatial and Intertemporal Variation" at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty in Washington, DC, March 20th-24th.

Stein T. Holden presented paper with the title "Bounded awareness and anomalies in intertemporal choice: Google Earth as metaphor and model" written together with John Quiggin at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists at Oslo Business School, January 3rd-4th.

Stein T. Holden was a speaker at the 2017 Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries (SEEDEC) that was held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, April 20th-21st.

Stein T. Holden presented paper with the title "Probability Weighting and Input Use Intensity" at the Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Göteborg University, June 12th-13th.

Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye presented paper with the title "How fair is the gendered land distribution? –Evidence from northern Ethiopia" at the Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Göteborg University, June 12th-13th.

Conference participation 2016
Sam Katengeza held presentation with the title "Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties under Rainfall Stress in Malawi" at 5th African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 23rd-26th.

Stein T. Holden held invited plenary talk with the title "A Land Tenure Module for LSMS" at 17th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Povertyin, Washington DC, USA, March 15th.

Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye held presentation with the title "THE ECONOMICS OF LAND DEGRADATION IN AFRICA: Benefits of Action Outweigh Costs" on the launching of the ELD Africa Report and a side event of the 6th Special Session on African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), Cairo, Egypt, April 16th-19th.

Mesfin Tilahun Gelaye held presentation with the title "THE ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND DEGRADATION IN AFRICA: Implications of Actions to the SDG’s and Adaptation to Climate Change" on the parallel session of the Natural Resource Management Group at the NORHED conference on Knowledge for Development, Oslo, Norway, June 6th-7th.

Conference participation 2015
Stein T. Holden presented the paper "The Roles of Land Tenure Reforms and Land Markets in the Context of Population Growth and Land Use Intensification in Africa" written together with Kei Otsuka at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italia, August 8th-14th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification Programs: Quasi-experimental evidence from Tigray, Ethiopia" written together with Hosaena Ghebru at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italia, August 8th-14th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Land Valuation and Perceptions of Land Sales Prohibition in Ethiopia" written together with Sosina Bezu at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italia, August 8th-14th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Model choice and model components for smallholder agriculture in risky environments" written together with Thilak Mallawaarachchi at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italia, August 8th-14th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Risk-sharing strategies through land contracts in developing countries" at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists Milan, Italia, August 8th-14th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Maize Productivity and Input Subsidies in Malawi: A State-Contingent Stochastic Production Frontier Approach" written together with Christopher J. O’Donnell at the 14th European Conference on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Helsinki, Finland, June 15th-18th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Tools, Fertilizer or Cash? Exchange Asymmetries in Productive Assets" written together with Sosina Bezu at the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Helsinki, Finland, June 24th-27th.

Sosina Bezu presented the paper "Street based self-employment: A poverty trap or a stepping stone for migrant youth in Africa?" at the 49th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, Toronto, Canada, May 29th-31st.

Hosaena Ghebru and Stein T. Holden presented the poster with the title "Links Between Food Security and Tenure Security: Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia" on the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, October 11th-14th.

Stein T. Holden held presentation with the title "Climate risk and state-contingent technology adoption: The role of risk preferences and probability weighting" on the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, October 11th-14th.

Hambulo Ngoma, Brian P. Mulenga and Thomas S. Jayne presented the poster with the title "Factors associated with farmers' use of minimum tillage in Zambia" on the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, October 11th-14th.

Conference participation 2014
Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Experiences with input subsidies in Malawi" at the Pathways for the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture Workshop, Global Change Institute University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 3th-5th.

Stein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu gave a presentation with the title "Joint Land Certification and Intra-household Decision-making: Towards Empowerment of Wives?" at the Nordic Conference on Development Economics, Helsinki, June 16th-17th. 

Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "High Discount Rates: An Experimental Artifact of Caused by Poverty and Vulnerability?" at the Fifth World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE), Istanbul, June 28th- July 2nd. 

Sosina Bezu was a panel discussant at the Strategy Session with the title "Positioning youth in the post-2015 land and development agenda" at the World Bank Land and Poverty conference, Washington DC, March 24th-27th.

Sosina Bezu and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Are the Rural Youth in Ethiopia Abandoning Agriculture?" at the World Bank Land and Poverty conference, Washington DC, March 24th-27th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper "Joint Land Certification and Intra-household Decision-making: Towards Empowerment of Wives?" at the World Bank Land and Poverty conference,Washington DC, March 24th-27th. 

Sosina Bezu and Stein T. Holden gave a poster presentation of the paper "Land Access and Youth Livelihood Opportunities in Southern Ethiopia" at the World Bank Land and Poverty conference, Washington DC, March 24th-27th.

Hosaena Ghebru, Joao Rodrigues and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Diminishing Returns to First Stage Certification: Evidence from Tigray" at the World Bank Land and Poverty conference, Washington DC, March 24th-27th.

Stein T. Holden and Sosina Bezu presented the paper "Intra-household Coordination, Cooperation and Pareto-efficiency: Lab-in-the-Field Hawk-Dove Game Experiments" at the Norwegian Economists' Annual Conference, January 6th-7th. 

Conference participation 2013
Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "High Discount Rates: Caused by Poorly Framed Experiments or by People Being Poor and Vulnerable?" at the 8th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Stockholm, September 27th‐28th.

Sosina Bezu gave a presentation with the title "Unbundling Land Administrative Reform: Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia" at the 12th Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Bergen, June 17th-18th.

Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "High Discount Rates: Caused by Poorly Framed Experiments or by People Being Poor and Vulnerable?" at the 12th Nordic Conference in Development Economics, Bergen, June 17th-18th.

Erling Berge gave a presentation at "The 14th global conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons" with the title "Local ideas about rights of common in the context of a historical transformation from commons to private property." (Co-authored with Anne Sigrid Haugset, TFoU), Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, June 3rd-7th.

Sosina Bezu presented the paper with the title "Generosity and social distance in dictator game field experiments with and without a face" at the 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, HEC Montréal, Quebec, May 30th - June 2nd.

CLTS new book "Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa" was presented at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington DC, April 11th. Stein T. Holden presented the first chapter of the book with the title "Land Tenure Reforms, Poverty and Natural Resource Management: Conceptual Framework" and Keijiro Otsuka has drawn conclusions in the presentation with the title "Next steps on Land and Forest Tenure Reform: A summary of case studies". CLTS Working Paper "Links between Tenure Security and Food Seciruty: Evidence from Ethiopia" was as well presented on the Annual World Bank Conference.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper “Generosity and social distance in dictator game field experiments with and without a face” at the Norwegian research meeting in economics, NHH, Bergen, January 7th-8th.

Conference participation 2012
Mintewab Bezabih, Stein T. Holden and Andrea Mannberg gave a presentation with the title "The Role of Land Certification in Reducing Gender Gaps in Productivity in Rural Ethiopia" at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) with the title "The Global Bio-Economy" at Iguassu Falls, Cataratas, Brazil, August 18th-24th.

Hosaena Ghebru and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Reverse Share-Tenancy and Marshallian Inefficiency: Bargaining Power of Landowners and the Sharecroppers’ Productivity" at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) with the title "The Global Bio-Economy" at Iguassu Falls, Cataratas, Brazil, August 18th-24th.

Stein T. Holden and Rodney Lunduka gave a presentation with the title "Input Subsidies, Cash Constraints and Timing of Input Supply: -Experimental Evidence from Malawi" at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) with the title "The Global Bio-Economy" at Iguassu Falls, Cataratas, Brazil, August 18th-24th.

Stein T. Holden presented the paper with the title "Uncertainty about Future Impacts of Large Land Acquisitions by International Investors in Africa, with Ethiopia as a Case" at the international conference on large-scale agricultural investments, Hamburg, Germany, arranged by The German Institute of Global and Area Studies, May 11th.

Stein T. Holden gave presentation with the title "Command and Control: How Does It Work? The Case of Land Market Law Restrictions in Ethiopia" at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, April 23rd–26th.

Million Tadesse, Frode Alfnes and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Demand for drought insurance in Ethiopia" at the Norwegian research meeting in economics. NMBU, Aas, January 3th-4th.

Jeetendra Aryal and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Too Poor To Invest? Caste and Investment in Land" at the Norwegian research meeting in economics. NMBU, Aas, January 3th-4th.

Stein T. Holden and Hosana Hagos Ghebru gave a presentation with the title "Welfare Impacts of Low-Cost Land Certification in Ethiopia" at the Norwegian research meeting in economics. NMBU, Aas, January 3th-4th.

Bethelhem Legesse and Stein T. Holden gave a presentation with the title "Impacts of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program on Livestock Accumulation and Children's Education" at the Norwegian research meeting in economics. NMBU, Aas, January 3th-4th.