University of British Columbia: Vancouver or Okanagan Campus




Vancouver and Okanagan

Agreement type


Study places


About the study place

The University of British Columbia (UBC) has two campuses: one is in Vancouver and the other in Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley. Vancouver is the biggest city in the western part of the country, and the campus is located on a penninsula about 30 minutes from downtown. Kelowna is a much smaller city surrounded by mountains and is approximately 3.5 hour drive from Vancouver. The university is known for its beautiful campuses and high academic standard. The university has over 45.000 students in total, and 5000 of them are international students.

  • About the agreement

    Bilateral agreement, meaning that all NMBU students – both at Bachelor’s and Master’s level - can apply. Exchange students are not allowed to take engineering courses at the Vancouver Campus, only at Okanagan. All students who apply to UBC must select either the Vancouver or Okanagan Campus.

    Agreement applies to both Bachelor and Master levels.

    Length of stay

    1 semester. Fall or Spring.

  • Number of study places

    Currently NMBU has been awarded two exchange spots for the academic year 2023/2024. The exchange spot can be for either the Vancouver or Okanagan Campus.

  • Selection of applicants

    Upon applying, applicants should have achieved a minimum average grade of C. Furthermore, applicants are ranged according to their grade scores.

  • Who can apply

    All applicants must have completed either 60 study points or completed a bachelor degree before the exchange takes place.

  • Language Requirements

    There are different English requirements at UBC for undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Tuition fees

    Students who travel through the agreement are exempt from paying tuition fees.

    NOTE: Selected students are responsible for paying other required fees, such as Transport Card (UPass) and health insurance (Imed) for approximately CAD$ 500.

  • Semester timing

    Semester 1: early September – mid December.
    Semester 2: early January – end April.

  • Credits equivalent to a full-time study

    Bachelor’s level: 15 credits per semester.
    Master’s level: 12 credits per semester.
    NOTE: 15 credits per semester will involve a heavier workload.

  • Accommodation

    UBC cannot offer a student housing guarantee. In addition, it can be very difficult to secure on-campus accommodation in the autumn semester, especially if a student only will be at UBC for one semester. 
    In any case, it is recommended to see UBC’s accommodation pages.

  • Visa and residence permit

    Norwegian citizens, for studies of under six months in duration: For studies of less than six months in Canada you need your passport a letter of acceptance from the host university when you arrive and apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA). It is a simple online process and costs  $7 CAD.

    All nationalities (including Norwegians), for studies of over six months duration: Please visit Immigration Canada’s website to obtain information on the necessary visa application.  

    The Canadian Embassy in the United Kingdom processes most of the visas for non-Norwegians.  According to new regulations, some nationalities will need to travel to the Canadian Embassy in the UK to submit biometric data for the processing of a student visa. It is not possible to apply for a visa before you have received a letter confirming your acceptance at the host university.

    In addition to a certified copy of the host university’s letter of acceptance, the High Commission demands an economic guarantee, two passport photos, a copy of your passport and a processing fee. Processing time for applications varies from two to four weeks; it is thus recommended to send an application in as soon as possible. Read the application carefully and control your signature and all attached papers. The High Commission strongly recommends that travel tickets are not bought until an answer to the application is ready.

    Immigration Canada

  • Note

    Exchange students have to register for mandatory health insurance with UBC. In addition, they will have to buy a "universal transportation pass" (U-pass) for public transport in Vancouver.

  • Courses

    Course catalogue

    Courses previously taken by NMBU students at both Vancouver and Okanagan campus:

    GEOG412 Water Management: Theory, Policy and Practice
    SOCI360A Sociology and Natural Resources
    FRST201 Forest Ecology

    PHIL407 Theory of Knowledge
    PHYS304 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
    PHYS320 Environmental Physics
    PHYS407 Introduction to General Relativity
    PHYS328 Advanced Mechanics
    PHYS402 Advanced Quantum Mechanics

    BIOL301 Evolutionary Principles and Methods
    CHEM302 Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry
    CHEM301 Aqueous Environmental Chemistry
    EESC402 Freshwater Resources
    EESC418 Climate Change Impact
    EESC423 Traces of Natural Processes

    ECON102 Principles of Macroeconomics
    FRST210 Forest Plant Biology II
    FRST211 Forest Classification and Silvics

    ECON356 Introduction to International Finance
    COMM306 Urban Land Economics
    COMM205 Introduction to Management Information Systems
    ATSC113 Applied Meteorology
    ANTH240 Sport in Society and Culture

    BIOL301 Evolutionary Principles and Methods
    BIOL308 Population Biology
    BIOL375 Flora and Fauna of Inland Waters
    SUST100 Sustainability: People, Place and Process

    ENGR387 Vibration of Mechanical Systems
    ENGR426 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
    STAT124 Business Statistics

    ECON301 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
    ECON302 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
    STAT251 Elementary Statistics
    CPSC110 Computation, Programs and Programming
    EOSC112 The Earth: Ocean and Atmosphere
    COMM280 Entrepreneurship
    COMM298 Introduction to Finance
    COMM487 Environmental Management
    COMM493 Strategic Management in Business
    ECON301 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis 1
    EOSC112 The Fluid Earth: Atmosphere and Ocean
    STAT200 Elementary Statistics

    POLI327 European Integration
    POLI533A Topics in Public Policy
    POLI562C Topics in International Relations

    CONS200 Foundations of Conservation
    ENDS221 Sustainability by Design
    GEOB103 Our Changing Environment; Water and Landscapes
    ENDS440 Environment and Urban Form
    LARC542 Aesthetics and Sustainability

    CHEM205 Physical Chemistry
    CHEM302 Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry
    ECON102 Principles of Microeconomics
    PHYS170 Mechanics

    ECON101 Principles of Microeconomics
    MATH221 Matrix Algebra
    PHYS225 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
    PHYS231 Introduction to Electronics
    ECON102 Principles of Macroeconomics
    MATH225 Introduction to Differential Equations
    PHYS215 Thermodynamics
    PHYS232 Modern Physics Laboratory

    COMM377 International Financial Markets and Institutions
    COMM471 Mergers and Acquisitions
    COMM487 Environmental Management