University of California - San Diego

University of California San Diego (UCSD) is located by the Pacific coast in San Diego, California’s second largest city. UCSD is a prestigious research- and educational institution, and is also known for its dynamic student environment and beautiful surroundings.
The change agreement with UCSD is organised through Extension International Programs - UPS (University & Professional Studies)
Study level
Bachelor and master
Who can apply
UCSD selects the applicants with the highest average grades achieved before applying. Furthermore, applicants should have an average grade of at a very strong C average.
UCSD is relatively strict on which applicants they accept, so NMBU’s nomination of candidates is based not only on grades, but also on the letter of motivation.Tuition fees
Students using the agreement with UCSD must pay a tuition fee of approximately $7,800 per quarter.
Dates & Prices | UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies
NOTE: It is not possible to take ‘graduate’ level courses at the Rady School of Management
Language of Instruction
Upper secondary school (norsk: videregående skole): Average grade of 4 in English.
Semester timing
The academic year at UCSD consists of three ‘quarters’:
Fall (autumn) quarter: September – December.
Winter quarter: January – March.
Spring quarter: March – June.NOTE: If you choose to go on exchange during NMBU’s autumn semester – which roughly corresponds to UCSD’s ‘fall quarter’ - the maximum number of credits you will be able to conduct will be equivalent to 20 ECTS only. Therefore, it may be advantageous to go for the winter and spring quarters.
Recognition of credits
NMBU considers a minimum of 12 credits per quarter to be equivalent to a full-time study.
The student must take at least one master’s-level (‘graduate’ level) course per quarter.Accomodation
The university does not offer on-campus accommodation, but can help with finding accommodation off-campus.
All students who intend to study in USA must have student visa.
It is the student’s own responsibility to apply for a visa. A first step would therefore be to acquire information from the relevant country’s embassy.
Study visa: A student visa is necessary in order to study in the USA. You have to first receive a letter of acceptance from the host university (here: UCSD) before you can apply. The visum processing fee is currently USD $160, and the SEVIS registration fee is USD $350 for F-1 applicants and $220 for J-1 applicants. The universities in the USA will issue a document for students to obtain either the F1 or the J1 visa.
The universities in the USA require that students use either the F1 or the J1 visa.
NOTE J1 visa: Be aware that this carries a clause whereby the applicant faces a two-year ‘quarantine’ period after the initial residence period, in which the applicant cannot apply for a permanent work or residence permit in the USA. However, this does only apply if the student received public funding, such as from Lånekassen.More information: The US Embassy’s website
Health Insurance in the US
UCSD demands that all students must purchase the UCSD DES medical insurance. This can be waived if student can document equivalent insurance purchased privately. Note this coverage is only valid during the study periods, so all NMBU students must also have private insurance in place.
Other information
The US universities with which NMBU has agreements with, require evidence which shows that you can finance your studies there. If you use Lånekassen, then they can issue a guarantee for you. Information about what you probably can get in support (in Norwegian).
Courses taken previously by NMBU students
ECON101 International Trade
ECON145 Economics of Ocean Resources
POLI163 Analyzing PoliticsB-ØA
BUSA-40026 Financing Strategy: Sources of Capital and Business Plan
BUSA-40439 Financial Management
ECON135 Urban Economics
ECON174 Financial Risk Management
ECON140 Economics of Health Producers
LING40119 Academic Competence in the US University I
MGT121A Innovation to Market
MGT172 Business Project Management
MGT12 Personal Financial Management
BUSA-40064 Business Project Management
BGGN238B Integrative Microbiology II
BIBC140 Our Energy Future - Sustainable Energy Solutions
BIEB100 Biostatistics
BIMM100 Molecular Biology
BIMM101 Recombinant DNA
BIMM110 Molecular Basis of Human Disease
BIMM114 Virology
BIMM120 Bacteriology
BIOL40236 Bioinformatics
BIOL40043 Applied Immunology
BIPN134 Human Reproduction
CHEM100A Analytical Chem Lab
CHEM127 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics
MATH186 Probability Stats/Bioinformatics
CHEM118 Pharmacology and Toxicology
CHEM143A Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM168 Drug Synthesis and Design
FPM-40173 Drug Development Process
LING-40082 Grammar and Vocabulary Building
LING-40117 Topics in Writing Mechanics
LING40119 Academic Competence in the US University I
WCWP-40045 Scientific and Technical Writing
WCWP-40317 Scientific Writing Lab
BUSA40109 Work Team Concepts & Skills
BUSA40926 Project Cost and Risk Management
ENVR40012 Behavioral Economics
MGT172 Business Project Management
MGT187 New Venture Finance
PHYS2B Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS2C Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics and Optics
CSE41221 Overview of BI and Data Analysis
SE110A Solid Mechanics
ENVR30 Environmental Issues: Natural Sciences
MAE8 MATLAB Programming for Engineers
MAE101A Introductory Fluid Mechanics
MAE119 Introduction to Renewable Energy
MAE101B Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MATH102 Applied Linear Algebra
MGT172 Business Project Management
SIO113 Introduction to Computational Earth Science
SIO172 Physics of the Atmosphere
MAE140 Linear Circuits
MAE20 Elements of Material Science
MAE101A Introductory Fluid Mechanics
MAE101B Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MAE120 Introduction to Nuclear Energy
MAE124 Environmental Challenges: Science and Solutions
MGT172 Business Project Management
MGT121A Innovation to Market A
NANO161 Material Selection/Engineering