San Diego State University

San Diego
Agreement Type
Study abroad
Study places
Number of Study abroad with tuition fees
San Diego State University (SDSU) is the oldest higher education institution in San Diego, founded in 1897. Renowned for academic excellence, SDSU is home to top ranked graduate programs in business, engineering, public health and many others. With more than 35,000 students is SDSU the 4th largest university in the California State University System.
NMBU students will be enrolled as aprt of the Global Campus (GC) programme.
Bachelor (undergraduate) and master courses (graduate).
Autumn: mid August – December.
Spring: mid January - May.
Who can apply
Minimum C average is recommended
Language of Instruction
Language requirements
4 in English from Norwegian 'videregående', or
TOEFL iBT score 80, or
IELTS score 6.5.
Recognition of study credits
One semester full time studies Bachelor level: 15.
One semester full time studies Master level: 9.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees are approximately USD 7 800/semester.
Health Insurance in USA
American universities have strict requirements for students’ health insurance. All students are studying in the USA should expect to purchase private health insurance recommended by the host university. This health insurance might be in addition to other (travel) insurances purchases by the student in Norway or abroad. University health insurance plans range from USD$ 500-1200 but can cost more. Read more about what health benefits you might be entitled to while studying in the USA on exchange from a Norwegian institution on HelseNorge.
Courses previous students have taken
GEOG340 Geography of Food
POL333 Politics of Race Ethnicity
POL380 Human Rights Global Perspective
SUSTN334 Politics of Environment
POL425 Psychology of Politics
PYS101 Introductory Psychology
SOC320 Sex and Gender in Contemporary Society
SUSTN353 Sustainability and CultureB-ECON
ECON360 International Economic Problem
ECON460 Economics of Financial Crises
EUROP101 Introduction to European Studies
ACCTG331 Intermediate Accounting
BA323 Fundamentals of Finance
BA310 Foundations of Business in a Global Environment
BA350 Management and Organizational Behavior
BA360 Operations and Supply Chain Management
CSP300 Stress Management and Life Planning
ECON101 Principles of Economics
ECON102 Principles of Economics
ECON321 Intermediate Microeconomics
FIN250 Financial Literacy
FIN329 International Business Finance
MGT352 Human Resource Management
MGT358 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
MGT475 Leadership in Organizations
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC102 Introduction to Social Problems
STAT119 Elementary Statistics BusinessM-BA
CHEM100 Introduction to General Chemistry
CIVE121 Graphics for the Built Environment
CJ300 Crime, Law and Justice
CONE201 Construction Concepts and Codes
CONE296 Virtual Design and Construction
CONE330 Principles of Engineering Economy
ECON101 Principles of Economics
GEOL496 GIS Applications for Earth and Environmental Sciences
ME240 Intro to Engineering Materials
ME241 Materials Laboratory
STAT119 Elementary Statistics Business
CS0550 Artificial Intelligence
BA0749 Business Analytics
CS0657 Intelligent SystemsM-IØ
CONE330 Principles of Engineering Economy
CS107 Introduction to Computer Programming
ECON321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
GEOL303 Natural DisastersM-MF
ASTR201 Astronomy for Science Majors
ECON101 Principles of Economics
ENVE320 Environmental Engineering
OCEAN230 Oceans of Change
AE340 Fluid Mechanics
AE341 Fluid Mechanics Lab
CHEM100 Intro to General Chemistry with Lab
COMPE160 Introduction to Computer Programming
ECON101 Principles of Economics
ME240 Intro to Engineering Materials
ME241 Materials Laboratory
ME330 Control Systems Lab
PHYS311 Electronics for Scientists
STAT119 Elementary Statistics BusinessM-VM
AE340 Fluid Mechanics
AE341 Fluid Mechanics Lab
CIVE445 Applied Hydrology
OCEAN100 Ocean PlanetM-ØA
ACCTG624 Business Entity Taxation
FIN651 Seminar in Investments
MKTG761 Product Innovation Management
All students who intend to study in USA must have student visa.
It is the student’s own responsibility to apply for a visa. A first step would therefore be to acquire information from the relevant country’s embassy.
Study visa: A student visa is necessary in order to study in the USA. You have to first receive a letter of acceptance from the host university before you can apply. The visum processing fee is currently USD $160, and the SEVIS registration fee is USD $350 for F-1 applicants and $220 for J-1 applicants. The universities in the USA will issue a document for students to obtain either the F1 or the J1 visa.NOTE J1 visa: Be aware that this carries a clause whereby the applicant faces a two-year ‘quarantine’ period after the initial residence period, in which the applicant cannot apply for a permanent work or residence permit in the USA. However, this does only apply if the student received public funding, such as from Lånekassen.
More information: The US Embassy’s website
It is important that students are aware that SDSU did not sign the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Addendum usually required by all NMBU partners. Students must be aware of the risk attached to sharing of personal data shared with this institution.