Montana State University

In the middle of the Rocky Mountains you find Montana State University (MSU). MSU is located in Bozeman city with approximately 45.000 inhabitants, in the southwest part of the state of Montana. Montana offers a number of beautiful national parks and ski resorts.
The agreement covers almost all academic fields, but it is most relevant for animal science, plant science, economy, environmental sciences and engineering.
Bachelor and Master level
Length of stay
1 - 2 semesters.
Who can apply
Minimum grade C in average is required. Applicants with the best average at the time of application.
All exchanges require a completion of 60ECTS prior to a stay abroad.
Language of Instruction
4 in English from Norwegian 'videregående', or
TOEFL score 71 (internet based test) or 525 (paper-based test), or
IELTS test score 6.
Semester timing
Autumn semester: end of August – December.
Spring semester: January - May.Tuition fees
Students travelling through the exchange agreement are exempt from tuition fees. The study abroad placements require tuition fees.
Recognition of credits
Bachelor students must take 15 credits in one semester, which corresponds to 30 NMBU credits.
Master students must take 12 credits in one semester, which corresponds to 30 NMBU credits.
MSU guarantees to provide housing.
Health Insurance
American universities have strict requirements for students’ health insurance. All students are studying in the USA should expect to purchase private health insurance recommended by the host university. This health insurance might be in addition to other (travel) insurances purchases by the student in Norway or abroad. University health insurance plans range from USD$ 500-1200 but can cost more. Read more about what health benefits you might be entitled to while studying in the USA on exchange from a Norwegian institution on HelseNorge.
Visa / Residence Permit
It is the student’s own responsibility to apply for a visa. A first step would therefore be to acquire information from the relevant country’s embassy.
Study visa
A student visa is necessary in order to study in the USA. You have to first receive a letter of acceptance from the host university before you can apply. The visum processing fee is currently USD $160, and the SEVIS registration fee is USD $350 for F-1 applicants and $220 for J-1 applicants. The universities in the USA will issue a document for students to obtain either the F1 or the J1 visa.
NOTE J1 visa
Be aware that this carries a clause whereby the applicant faces a two-year ‘quarantine’ period after the initial residence period, in which the applicant cannot apply for a permanent work or residence permit in the USA. However, this does only apply if the student received public funding, such as from Lånekassen.
More information: The US Embassy’s websiteCourses
Course catalogue
Courses taken previously by NMBU Students
EELE408 Photovoltaic Systems
BMGT335 Management and Organization
ECNS204IS Microeconomics
EMEC203 CAE II - ME Computation
EMEC326 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
GPHY429R Applied Remote Sensing
PHL322 Philosophy & Environmental Ethics
STAT332 Statistics for Scientists and Engineers
WRIT201 College Writing II
BCH380 Biochemistry
BIOE370 General Ecology
BIOE375 Ecological Responses to Climate Change
BIOE405 Behavioral & Evolutionary Ecology
BIOE421 Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology
BIOO433 Plant Physiology
ENSC260 Evolution for Environmental Ecology
NRSM351 Biomes of Western Wildlands
NRSM421 Holistic Thought/Management
WILD429 Yellowstone Wildlife Habitat EcologyM-ECOL
BIOB524 Ethical Practice of Science
LRES561 Belowground Plant Ecology
NASX105 Introduction to Native American Studies
EGEN324 Applied Thermodynamics
EGEN201 Engineering Mechanics - Statics
EIND458 Production and Engineering Management
ECIV308 Construction Practice
ECIV308 Engineering Hydrology
ECIV332 Engineering Hydraulics
ENSC444 Watershed Hydrology
PHSX222 Physics II
M221 Linear Algebra
M273Q Multivariable CalculusM-MF
EELE408 Photovoltaic Systems
M274 Introduction to Differential Equations
Stat332 Statistics for Scientists and EngineersM-VM
ECIV320 Geotechnical Engineering
ECIV331 Engineering Hydrology
ECNS101 Economic Way of Thinking
ACTG514 Fraud Examination
AGBE445 Agribusiness Management
AGBE451R Economics of Ag Policy
BMGT335 Management and Organization
BMGT366 Supervisory Managements Skills
BMGT458 Adv Entrepreneurship
BMGT420 Leadership and Motivation
BMGT464 International Management