We use quantitative data to explain and model mammalian communities and behaviour. We use these quantitative approaches to answer applied questions in natural resource management and conservation.
Research Themes
We are interested in both the processes that lead to ecological patterns and the processes that lead to observations. Much of our work focuses on extracting information from non-invasive field methods, such as eDNA and camera trapping. For example, our group has developed methods (nimbleSCR) that are now used to map the density of wolves, bears, and wolverines across Scandinavia. These maps, as well as abundance and vital rate estimates, are provided annually to wildlife management agencies in Norway and Sweden. We also study the vulnerability and activity patterns of terrestrial mammal communities inhabiting tropical forests. Finally, we develop better methods to quantify individuals' space using GPS collars.
Research Projects
The Group
Former Members
Mahdieh Tourani
University of Montana
Soumen Dey
Ehsan Mohammadi Moqanaki
University of Montana
Joseph Chipperfield
Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Selected Reports
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., Svensson, L., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2022. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2013–2022 - MINA fagrapport 77. 35pp. Download PDF here
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø, Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2022. Estimates of wolverine density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2013–2021 - MINA fagrapport 74. 30pp. Download PDF here
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2021. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2012 - 2021 - MINA fagrapport 72. 30pp. Download PDF here
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Svensson, L., Brøseth, H., and Bischof, R. 2020. Consequences of reduced sampling intensity for estimating population size of wolves in Scandinavia with spatial capture-recapture models - MINA fagrapport 65. 29pp. Download PDF here
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Brøseth, H., and Kindberg, J. 2019. RovQuant: Estimating density, abundance and population dynamics of bears, wolverines, and wolves in Scandinavia - MINA fagrapport 63. 79 pp. Download PDF here
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., and Kindberg, J. 2019. Estimating the size of the Scandinavian wolf population with spatial capture-recapture and conversion factors - MINA fagrapport 57. 80 pp. Download PDF here
Selected Scientific Publications
- Semper-Pascual, A., Sheil, D., Beaudrot, L., Dupont, P., Dey, S., Ahumada, J., ... & Bischof, R. (2023). Occurrence dynamics of mammals in protected tropical forests respond to human presence and activities. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7(7), 1092-1103.
- Vallejo-Vargas, A.F., Sheil, D., Semper-Pascual, A. et al. Consistent diel activity patterns of forest mammals among tropical regions. Nature Communications 13, 7102 (2022).
- Semper-Pascual, A., Bischof, R., Milleret, C., et al. (2022) Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis Proceedings of the royal society B 2892022045720220457
- Milleret, C., Bischof, R., Dupont, P. , Brøseth, H., Odden, J., and Mattison, J. (2021) GPS collars have an apparent positive effect on the survival of a large carnivore Biol. Lett 17(20210128)
- Turek, D., Milleret, C., Ergon, T., , Brøseth, H., Dupont, P., Bischof, R., de Valpine P., (2021) Efficient estimation of large‐scale spatial capture–recapture models Ecosphere 12(2):e03385
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Tourani, M., Ordiz, A., de Valpine, P., Turek, D., Royle, A., Gimenez, O., Flastad, Ø., Åkesson, M., Svensson, L., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J. (2020). Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Bischof, R., Gjevestad, J., Ordiz, A., Eldegard, K., Milleret, C., (2019). High frequency GPS bursts and path-level analysis reveal linear feature tracking by red foxes. Scientific Reports. 9:8849.