Are you planning a book launch or other event?We offer the use of the University Library's new and nice premises in the Veterinary Building for small and large academic dissemination events. Feel free to contact us for a chat and tour of our prem…
FAGPRAT – science talksFagprat is a series of popular sciense talks where we want to convey research and other activity related to NMBU in a broad-ranging way.
Brains & Breakfast = Breakfast and a study relevant lectureOnce a month you can join us at the library for breakfast and a short lecture on useful topics for you as a student, researcher or staff at NMBU. The talks are given in Norwegian.
PUSTEROM på UniversitetsbiblioteketDo you need a break from study and work? One Wednesday a month, at noon, you can hear a small invigorating concert at the University Library in the Veterinary Building.
PhD course: Extraction EthnographiesExtraction Ethnographies is the result of a collaboration between the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at NMBU and the TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture …