MINA412 Muntlig presentasjon på en internasjonal konferanse


Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og naturforvaltning

Emneansvarlig:Jan Elbertus Vermaat

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk


Forventet arbeidsmengde:

50 hours

Individual work 45 hours

supervision 5 hours

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Continuous teaching and assessment.

Om dette emnet

Oral presentation at an international conference with more than 30 participants.

Dette lærer du

After completion the PhD - candidate can present her/his scientific work in an oral presentation at an international conference audience of over 30 participants.

  • Present his/her own result in a format of an oral presentation
  • Be able to crystallise the main results and assumptions/method of her/his study to time given for presentations
  • Be able to reflect and incorporate feed back from supervisor and other
  • Edit and shorten long texts without loosing content
  • Get experienced with different aspects of presentation technique
    • literary technique
    • verbal and non verbal communication
  • To prepare and oral present one's own research at an international conference.
  • The PhD candidate's supervisor(s)
  • Individual syllabus
  • MSc or other equivalent education
  • Participate with an oral presentation at an international conference with more than 30 participants.

  • The external sensor evaluates and accepts the course content and the evaluation criteria.
  • Provide documentation from the conference (program).


  • For PhD candidates at MINA