EDS391 Forståelse av post-konflikt politi- og sikkerhetsreform


Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for landskap og samfunn

Emneansvarlig:Ingrid Louise Peck Nyborg

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk

Antall plasser:35

Frekvens:Se engelsk emnebeskrivelse

Forventet arbeidsmengde:250 hours work

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Se engelsk emnebeskrivelse

Om dette emnet

Countries that have experienced violent conflict are often the site of extensive development and security reform processes in their efforts to move towards peace, security and well-being. These contexts, however, are extremely complex, and are often the site of continued insecurity for large parts of the population despite extensive investments by the international community. This course looks closely at these security reform processes, focusing on the case of the police. The course explores the nature of international support to police and security sector reform processes, and how these are embedded in international and national relations of power. It also, however, challenges received notions of state security in these contexts, and looks at alternative approaches to understanding concepts such as security, conflict and development, and what these might mean to a police reform focusing on better police-community relations where trust is often at a deficit. The course explores the importance of understanding local contexts and people’s everyday insecurities, local institutions and security providers, community-oriented policing efforts, the role of civil society in police reform, gender and youth issues, police training and education, and the use of information and communication technologies. The course includes case studies from Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Southeast Europe.

Dette lærer du

The course will provide students with the analytical tools to better understand police reform processes as an integral part of post-conflict development processes at international, national and local levels.

By the end of the course, the students will better understand police and security sector reform processes in conflict and post-conflict settings. They will be aware of the various theoretical approaches to security, conflict and development, and their significance in the design and implementation of police and security sector reform. They will also gain an understanding of the importance of participatory and inclusive processes in police reform efforts, and how this influences oilice accountability, legitimacy and trust in conflict and post-conflict contexts.

  • Læringsaktiviteter
    Lectures, student seminars, class discussions and group work. Some of the teaching may be digital.
  • Læringsstøtte
    Office hours and other support procedures are established at the first class meeting.
  • Pensum
    Selected books and articles will be posted in Canvas.
  • Forutsatte forkunnskaper
    Se engelsk emnebeskrivelse
  • Vurderingsordning, hjelpemiddel og eksamen
    Se engelsk emnebeskrivelse

    Mappevurdering Karakterregel: Bokstavkarakterer
  • Sensorordning
    An external examiner will participate in the term paper evaluation
  • Obligatorisk aktivitet
    Student seminars and in-class presentations
  • Undervisningstider
    Lectures/seminars twice a week
  • Fortrinnsrett
    M-IR and M-GDS