ECN410 Mikroøkonomisk teori


Ansvarlig fakultet:Handelshøyskolen

Emneansvarlig:Olvar Bergland

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk


Forventet arbeidsmengde:300 hours

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Emnet starter i vårparallellen. Emnet har undervisning/vurdering i vårparallellen.

Om dette emnet

The following topics will be covered:

  1. Optimization and prices
  2. Consumer choice and firm behavior
  3. Market equilibrium in exchange and production economies
  4. Dynamic optimization in discrete and continuous time
  5. Uncertainty and risk aversion
  6. Strategic equilibrium with symmetric or asymmetric information

Dette lærer du

The objective of this course is to give the successful student a deep understanding and command of the core of microeconomic theory: maximizing behavior and equilibrium outcomes.
  • Læringsaktiviteter
    Lectures, laboratory, exercises and presentations.
  • Pensum
    Selected chapters from J. G. Riley (2012): Essential Microeconomics. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.
  • Forutsatte forkunnskaper
    ECN302 Matematikk for økonomer, ECN311 Mikroøkonomi III
  • Anbefalte forkunnskaper
    ECN312 Industri- og markedsstruktur
  • Vurderingsordning, hjelpemiddel og eksamen
    The evaluation of the student's effort in the course is pass/fail based on (completed and approved) written exercises.

    Mappevurdering Karakterregel: Bestått/ Ikke bestått
  • Sensorordning
    External examiner will evaluate the quality of the syllabus, and quality and appropriateness of the questions used in course exercises.
  • Merknader
    Emnet tilbys ikke studieåret 2021/2022.
  • Undervisningstider
    Lectures: 2 hours each week. Laboratory: 2 hours each week.