ECN334 Internship i samfunnsøkonomi
Ansvarlig fakultet:Handelshøyskolen
Emneansvarlig:Silja Marianna Korhonen-Sande
Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås
Undervisningens språk:Engelsk
Antall plasser:The limit on the number of students in internships is 5. Students can work individually or in pairs as per the contractual arrangement with the external partner.
Forventet arbeidsmengde:250 timer
Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Emnet starter i høstparallellen. Emnet har undervisning/vurdering i høstparallellen.
Om dette emnet
The internship is a mean of demonstrating the relevance of the knowledge and skills from the study program to work life, and for the student to gain work experience in the process. The student will work with an external partner organization (EPO), a private firm or public agency, on an agreed set of work tasks to be performed, the deadlines for deliverables, and the duration of the internship. Through the student's initiative with the EPO's guidance and a faculty member's supervision, the student will apply their knowledge and skills to address an identified problem with the EPO's interests.
A student can earn internship credits working with an EPO in two manners. First, the student, through their own initiative, can find an EPO that is willing to host and work with them during the internship. Second, the student applies for an internship with an EPO with which the School of Economics and Business has already entered into an agreement. To ensure the academic content of the internship, the student must find an academic supervisor who will approve the academic work plan and supervise the tasks according to that plan.
The course consists of an internship period for 12-13 weeks during the Autumn semester where the student is present at the organization at least two days per week throughout the internship period. There are two aspects associated with the internship:
1. The student must complete the assigned tasks specified in the terms of the internship (work-related tasks and deliverables, if relevant).
2. Students must complete the academic tasks (if different than the work-related internship tasks) that are specified in the study plan of the internship project developed in collaboration with the academic supervisor (e.g., consultation meetings, interim assignments, and submission of a final project report). An oral presentation of the final report can also be required. These activities require approval by the faculty supervisor. Finally, a self-reflection report on what was learned may also be required as well as an evaluation of the experience.
Dette lærer du
Etter fullført praksis skal studenten ha:
- Innsikt i den daglige driften av en organisasjon, og de praktiske utfordringene og mulighetene som denne står overfor;
- Utviklet fornyet bevissthet om relevansen av studieprogrammet, emnene og spesialiseringene i det, for å forstå et reell problem gjennom anvendelse av teori og metoder til den spesifikke konteksten for praksisplassen.
I praksisperioden skal studenten:
- Utvikle evnen til å utføre arbeidsoppgaver some spesifisert i arbeidsplanen innenfor kontrakten;
- Få arbeidserfaring og vise evne til å jobbe selvstendig med oppgaver for å overholde avtalte tidsfrister; og
- Oppsøke, identifisere og tilegne seg forskningsbasert kunnskap relevant for praktisk problemløsning.
Generelle ferdigheter:
Gjennom praksisoppholdet skal studenten:
- Forbedre skriftlige og kommunikasjonsevner; og
- Samhandle med arbeidskolleger og rådføre seg med en rådgiver for å løse et problem og reflektere over egen faglig utvikling.
Forutsatte forkunnskaper
Vurderingsordning, hjelpemiddel og eksamen
Obligatorisk aktivitet