ECN376 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - Applications

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Eirik Romstad

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:150 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel and June block.

About this course

The course builds on ECN275, and is an edition of ECN375 (theory foundation from ECN275 and a term paper). The course involves the term paper in ECN375, where students work in groups on a self selected topic on natural resource and environmental economics. Group size 2-3 students.

Learning outcome

Candidates should be able to apply economic theory to analyse environmental and natural resource management issues. These issues include: economy - environment interactions, sustainable development, optimal management of renewable and non-renewable resources, pollution targets and pollution control, environmental policy instruments, and international environmental agreements.

The candidates use theory from ECN275 (or equivalent) on a self-selected topic in a term paper where they apply theory and gain experience in applied analysis.

  • Learning activities
    Mandatory term paper in groups of 2-3 students on a self-selected topic under the heading natural resource and environmental economics.
  • Teaching support
    Councelling on the term paper.
  • Prerequisites
    ECN275 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - theory or equivalent.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    ECN275 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - theory or equivalent.
  • Assessment method
    Term paper (100%). Work on the term paper takes place in the last third of the course. To be allowed to write a term paper, the student must have passed the exam in ECN275 or an equivalent course from another higher education institution. Term paper where 2-3 students work together on a self selected topic within the wider area of natural resource and environmental economics. Grade is assigned as A-F. No re-examination s being offered in this course.

    Trem paper Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    Internal assessor (course responsible)
  • Mandatory activity
    Discussant on another term paper in connecton with presentation of a preliminary version of the term paper.
  • Notes
    The course is in English if there are one or more international students. Incoming students can contact student advisors at the School of Economics and Business ( for admission to the course.
  • Teaching hours
    None (the course builds on theory/teaching/exercises/discussions from ECN275 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - theory).
  • Reduction of credits
    Builds on theory part from ECN275 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - Theory.
  • Admission requirements
    ECN275 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics - theory or equivalent.