EDS379 Global Political Economy

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Melanie Erin Sommerville

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours

Teaching and exam period: Autumn parallel

About this course

Global Political Economy (GPE, also called international political economy) considers the dynamic interplay between politics and economics at a global scale and the relations of power that underpin the processes of production, distribution and consumption. It examines the complex interactions between economic and political phenomena across state borders and the interrelationships between states and non-state actors, markets and institutions in the global system, as well as the role of civil society actors and social movements. Pivotal issues in the contemporary global economy, such as trade, foreign direct investment, international finance and debt, globalisation and regionalisation, the role of transnational corporations, labour and migration, the financialization and integration of food, feed and (bio)fuel markets, will be discussed as part of a historically contextualised exploration of power and global inequality.

Students study the main theoretical approaches of GPE and engage with key thinkers, central debates and controversies in the literature. Students develop their critical analysis skills by reflecting on questions such as: What is the relationship between politics and economics and how can we understand the complex interactions between states, non-state actors and global markets? What structures and uneven relations of power underpin production, distribution and consumption of resources in global markets? Who benefits? Who gets what, why and how? What are the gendered dimensions to power and inequality in the global political economy? How are emerging powers such as China, India, Russia and Brazil, transforming the global political economy? How do civil society actors and social movements influence the global political economy? What are the possibilities for change? Students will have an opportunity to engage with a wide-range of interdisciplinary literature with an emphasis on conceptual, analytical and empirical texts.

Learning outcome

In this course, the goal is that students should have the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge and competence:

  • The student is familiar with and able to distinguish key concepts and theories of Global Political Economy (liberal, economic nationalist and critical perspectives)
  • The student has acquired knowledge about the political dynamics of the global economy and can give an overview of key actors, governance institutions and processes of accumulation and distribution of wealth and resources
  • The student has experience with applying key theories in analysing case studies/empirical evidence
  • The student has developed independent critical thinking skills and conceptual tools to analyse complex global political and economic challenges.

Written and oral skills:

  • The student is able to formulate clear arguments that are supported with adequate evidence and logic in written and oral expression.
  • The module spans the autumn parallel. It includes 12 lectures and 11 student led seminars. Apart from the first lecture, every lecture will be followed by a seminar session. In lecture sessions, the course convenor will provide an overview of this weeks topic, readings and discussions.

    Student seminar

    Each seminar assigned students will present the readings, followed by class discussion. The students are expected to collaborate on how to present the main argument(s) the readings.


    Generally speaking, and across academic disciplines, there is a strong correlation between lecture attendance and a student's final mark for any given course. Despite one or two exceptions, poor attendance usually translates into poor final marks. This is because you will not have had the forum to discuss ideas, nor will you have had a comparable guide to the ideas and problems discussed during the lecture course. It is therefore strongly recommended that you attend all lectures. It is also recommended that the students organize so called colloquies, discussion groups in where they can discuss their ideas on religion and politics, however, this is up to the students themselves.

  • Office hours and procedures will be explained at the first class meeting. A course schedule will be available in Canvas in due time.
  • A relevant Bachelor degree or equivalent
  • This course has portfolio assessment ("mappevurdering") and there are two components that are assessed:

    Individual assignment

    Take home exam, 4000 words

    The portfolio assessment results in one final grade. Grades are on A-F scale.

    Exam only in English.

    Continuous assessment Grading: Letter grades
  • Both internal and external examiner will participate in the grading.
  • Participation in lectures, seminars and assignments
  • Combination of lectures and seminars
  • M-IR, M-GDS, M-IES and M-GEP