AOS345 Effective Written Communication

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Nicolay Andre Melsæter Worren

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:The course will be offered for the last time spring 2024.

Nominal workload:125 hours

Teaching and exam period:The course will be offered for the last time spring 2024. This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel.

About this course

The purpose of this course is to improve the participants’ written communication skills. This is a practically oriented course where the participants will work throughout the semester on writing, revising and improving several texts based on feedback on drafts. The lectures will cover criteria for effective written communication and strategies that one can use to improve different types of texts such as reports, academic articles, and opinion pieces.

Learning outcome


  • Knowledge of effective strategies for writing and revising different types of texts like reports, academic assignments, practitioner articles, letters to the editor and notes
  • Knowledge of different frameworks and models for structuring texts
  • Knowledge of criteria used to evaluate texts (e.g., with regards to structure, logic, readability, conceptual clarity, etc.)


  • Skills in developing different types of texts through the use of drafts, writing, and revision
  • Be able to explain complex theories, frameworks, models and relationships in writing, in an effective and logical way
  • Be able to define academic terms and find appropriate Norwegian substitutes for English words
  • Be able to structure texts to ensure an effective flow between different parts of the text
  • Adapt the style of writing to different target groups and situations (e.g., academic text; internal memo; web page)
  • Be able to write texts with a minimum of errors (including comma errors) and with appropriate Norwegian terminology
  • Be able to give and receive feedback to text drafts, and to revise and improve texts based on feedback

General learning intentions

  • Increased awareness of the important of good writing
  • Increased motivation to develop one’s own knowledge and skills with respect to writing
  • Knowledge of strategies that one can use to improve the writing task itself to save time and reduce stress
  • Awareness of how one can find additional resources about communication and writing
  • This is a course that requires active participation from Day 1. The participants will be asked to write drafts that will be gradually improved by incorporating suggestions from the lecturer, teaching assistant, or peers.
  • Supervision and feedback on written drafts.
  • Portfolio assessment. Three submitted texts.

    Portfolio Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • External examiner ensures the quality of the syllabus, teaching arrangements and assignments.
  • Three submitted text drafts and student peer-review of two texts.

    Students must attend first lecture and 80% attendance in the course.

  • 8-10 lectures (2 hours).
  • 2,5 ECTS- credits overlap with LNG250 Academic Writing.
  • Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway.