Forum: Bærekraft på tvers av fagdisipliner

Dette forumet har som mål å samle forskere og studenter til å tenke kritisk rundt bærekraft.



Universitetsbiblioteket Veterinærbygningen


Elizabeth Stephansensvei 15, 1433 Ås


Rani Lill Anjum

The Sustainability Across Disciplines Forum aims to bring together researchers and students for thinking critically about sustainability. Specifically, this is an interdisciplinary platform to discuss how the three "pillars" of sustainability (environmental, social, economic) can be realised in practice. Meetings are held in the Veterinary Library, in Innsikten, 6 times a year.

Upcoming meetings:

Tropical forests and trade-offs between sustainable development goals (SDGs): SDG 2 Zero hunger and SDG 13 Climate action

Introduction by Meley Mekonen Rannestad and Bianca Wulansari Kassun from Climate-smart policy for dry forests

Thursday 25 April, 13:15 - 14:00, Innsikten, Main Library, Veterinary Building

To propose themes or speakers for the forum, contact Meley Mekonen Rannestad

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