NMBU Forskningsetisk forum
Dette arrangementet foregår på engelsk: How to survive as an early career researcher in an academic culture of over-work and over-achievement: identifying some internal and external enablers and some barriers.
Innsikten, Universitetsbiblioteket, Veterinærbygningen
Elizabeth Stepansens vei 15, 1433 Ås
In the first hour we discuss in groups and try identify some challenges and point to some solutions for creating an better academic culture for life-work balance and good mental health and wellbeing. Rani Lill Anjum shares her hot tips for academic wellbeing and self-care in the second hour, and we look at the results from the group discussions.
All meetings are held in the University Library, Veterinary building, Innsikten, 12:15-14:00 (coffee, tea and cookies from 12:00)
Read more about the forum here. Meetings are held in English.