Stefano Zanotto

Stefano Zanotto


  • Genetikk, evolusjon og planteproduksjon

My research focus on genetics and genomics of protein crops (currently the grain legumes pea and faba bean) and to less extent forage legumes. Together with colleagues within and outside NMBU we are working on all aspects of grain legumes science, in particular grain quality, disease resistance, abiotic stress and agronomy. My main interest is applied research and I am working in close collaboration with the industry such as breeding, food and feed industries.

  • Fagfelt
    • Genetics
    • Genomics
    • Grain quality
    • Plant Breeding
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Zanotto, S., Vandenberg, A., Khazaei, H., 2020. Development and validation of a robust KASP marker for zt2 locus in faba bean (Vicia faba). Plant Breed. 139, 375–380.

    Zanotto, S., Khazaei, H., Elessawy, F.M., Vandenberg, A., Purves, R.W., 2020. Do Faba Bean Genotypes Carrying Different Zero-Tannin Genes (zt1 and zt2) Differ in Phenolic Profiles? J. Agric. Food Chem. 68, 7530–7540.

    Zanotto, S., Palmé, A., Helgadóttir, Á., Daugstad, K., Isolahti, M., Öhlund, L., Marum, P., Moen, M.A., Veteläinen, M., Rognli, O.A., Ergon, Å., n.d. Trait characterization of genetic resources reveals useful variation for the improvement of cultivated Nordic red clover. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 2021.

    Zanotto, S., Bertrand, A., Purves, R.W., Olsen, J.E., Elessawy, F.M., Ergon, Å., 2023. Biochemical changes after cold acclimation in Nordic red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) accessions with contrasting levels of freezing tolerance. Physiol. Plant. 175, e13953.

    Zanotto, S., Ruttink, T., Pégard, M., Skøt, L., Grieder, C., Kölliker, R., Ergon, Å., 2023. A genome-wide association study of freezing tolerance in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) germplasm of European origin. Front. Plant Sci. 14.

    Mine publikasjoner

  • Undervisning

    Medvirkende i BIO120 (Genetikk)

  • Mer om meg og CV

    Bachelor at University of Padova (2011-2014)

    Master of Sciences, University of Saskatchewan (2016-2018)

    PhD, NMBU (2018-2022)