I am an urban researcher working primarily with the interrelations between environmental policies and socio-spatial justice. I hold a Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning from NMBU and my thesis explored the implications of implementing densification strategies on housing affordability and gentrification, with a focus on Oslo. I am also interested in segregation studies, multi-level and urban governance and urban policies, aspects that I had the chance to explore during my Ph.D and in my research experience at the research institute Nordregio, where I also work as a senior research fellow. Currently, I am mostly working on the EU-funded project ReHousIn (Reducing Housing Inequalities). In this project, together with nine european partners, we are exploring how green transition initiatives (ecological retrofitting, Nature Based Solutions and densification) can impact housing inequalities. Through 27 case studies, the project aims to uncover key mechanisms linking the green transition with housing inequities, while also providing insights for future policy recommendations.