Mina Di Marino

Mina Di Marino


  • Institutt for by- og regionsplanlegging

Current research interests

My research in urban and regional planning has focused on the following four major research themes (RTs):

  • RT1: Role of nature within urban and regional development, including the planning challenges in seeking to preserve nature and biodiversity in the built environment, as well as the ways of integrating ecosystem-based approaches such as ecological networks, Green Infrastructure (GI) and Ecosystem Services (ES), and more recently, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), in situated local and regional planning contexts
  • RT2: Circular Economy approaches within regions and cities, within a major focus on (re)sharing spaces, facilities and shared mobility options and sustainable consumption patterns/behaviours
  • RT3: Multi-local working (or multi-locational work, in other words, working in multiple places, including new working habits and patterns), and multi-local living (for job-related reasons) in urban and regional contexts, including novel approaches to 15' city concept
  • RT4: Hybridization of cities, spaces and buildings, including the hybrid life style of people

On-going research projects 

Research projects recently completed

  • 2024 Hybgen, Co-Principal Investigator, 'Young generations trapped in hybrid lifestyles: Challenges in ways of living and working towards the urban green care in Lisbon and Oslo.' Research funded by EEA Grants HybGen (iscte-iul.pt)
  • 2023-2024 Nature-Based Solutions in Norwegian municipalities. Project manager for NMBU. Research commissioned by Miljødirektorat (Norwegian Ministry of Environment) 
  • 2021-2024 SENSUS Co-Investigator, 'The social equality of Nature-based Solutions to urban heat stress.' Research funded by Vienna Science and Technology
  • 2019-2024 COST Action CA18214, Science Communication Manager and Core Group Member (2019-2022) and MC member (2019-2024) The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery Research Funded by the European Union
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    • 37 peer-reviewed publications
    • 39 conference papers to international conferences (in UK, France, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Norway, the Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Albania, and India)
    • Invited speaker/discussant to 33 events among international conferences, seminars/courses, summer schools (in Norway, Finland, UK, Greece, Albania, Sweden, Italy and Belgium).

    Articles in scientific journals (17)

    1. Di Marino M., Tiitu M., Rehunen A., Chavoshi H. & Lapintie K. (2024) Multi-locality in the regions of Oslo and Helsinki:  A regional planning perspective after the Covid-19 pandemic, Regional Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2024.2355290
    2. Di Marino M., Chavoshi H & Priya Uteng T. (2024). Resharing spaces, services and mobility: Developing a reshareability index for sustainable planning in Oslo, Land Use Policy, 142, 107196, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107196
    3. Di Marino M., Tiitu Maija, Saglie I.L., & Lapintie K. (2023). Conceptualizing ‘green’ in urban and regional planning –The cases of Oslo and Helsinki. European Planning Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2023.2285811
    4. Di Marino M., Cucca R., Thaler T. & Bügelmayer-Blaschek M. (2023) Interlinking the silos: how to stimulate a new debate on more greenery in cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1618866723002364?via%3Dihub
    5. Di Marino M., Chavoshi H., Andersen T. & Nenonen S. (2023) The future of multi-locational work and New Working Spaces in small and medium-size municipalities and in rural municipalities: a Norwegian perspective. Norwegian Journal of Geography  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00291951.2023.2249480
    6. Di Marino M., Aboutalebi Tabrizi H., Chavoshi H. and Sinitsyna A. (2022), Hybrid Cities and New Working Spaces - The case of Oslo. Monograph article, Progress in Planning https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305900622000666
    7. Di Marino M., Tomaz E., Henriques C. and Chavoshi H.S. (2022). 15 Minute City Concept and New Working Spaces: A Planning Perspective From Oslo And Lisbon, European Planning Studies https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09654313.2022.2082837
    8. Di Marino M., Rehunen A., Tiiu M. & Lapintie K. (2021). New working spaces in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area: Understanding location factors and implications for planning European Planning Studieshttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09654313.2021.1945541
    9. Di Marino M., Tiitu M., Lapintie K., Viinikka A. & Kopperoinen L. (2019). Integrating Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services in land-use planning. Results from two Finnish case studies. Land Use Policy 82: 643-656
    10. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. (2018). Exploring multi-local working in contemporary cities. International Planning Studies 25(1):1-21.
    11. Di Marino M, Lilius J, & Lapintie K (2018). New forms of multi-local working: Identifying multi-locality in planning as well as public and private organisations' strategies in the Helsinki region. European Planning Studies 26 (10): 2015-2035.
    12. Lahde E. & Di Marino M. (2018). Multidisciplinary collaboration and understanding of Green Infrastructure. Results from the cities of Tampere, Vantaa and Jyvaskyla (Finland). Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (40) 63–72.
    13. Di Marino M., Niemlä J. & Lapintie K. (2018). Urban nature for land use planning. Urbanistica 159: 94-102.
    14. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. (2018). Exploring the concept of green infrastructure in urban landscape. Experiences from Italy, Canada and Finland. Landscape Research 43 (1): 139-149.
    15. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. (2017). Emerging workplaces in the post-functionalist cities. Journal of Urban Technology, 4 (3): 5-25. 
    16. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. (2015). Libraries as Transitory Workspaces and Spatial Incubators. Library & Information Science Research, 37(1): 118-129.
    17. Erba V. & Di Marino M. (2011). Reti ecologiche negli strumenti di pianificazione territoriale. Ecological networks in strategic and urban planning. Territorio, 58:16-26. ISSN 1825-8689 (Italian Language).

    Fagartikkel (Professional article) (1)

    1. Di Marino M. (2022). Multilocality of Living and Working Pre and Post COVID-19 Pandemic. Kart og Plan, 82 (2): 127-135, https://doi.org/10.18261/kp.115.2.3

    Editor of scientific books (1)

    1. I. Mariotti, M. Di Marino, & P. Bednar (Eds.) (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic and Future of Working Spaces. Edited volume in Routledge-RSA Regions & Cities Book Series – Regions, Cities and Covid-19, p. 288. The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces - 1st Edition - (routledge.com

    Book chapters in Roudlege, Edward  Elgar, Springer and other publishers (10) 

    1. Di Marino M. (2025) Landscape democracy and approcci transdisciplinary [Landscape democracy and transdisciplinary approaches] In A. Palazzo and R. D’Ascanio (Eds). “TRA PAESAGGIO E AMBIENTE: MEDIAZIONI POSSIBILI? Metodi, approcci, prospettive”, Carocci, forthcoming
    2. Yunitsyna A., Di Marino M., Tagliaro C., Smeikal K. Shtepani E. (2024). Prototyping a Peripheral Coworking Space in the Post-covid Era: Proposal for an Architectural Competition, In the Urban Book Series, Edmond Manahasa et al. (Eds): COVID-19 (Forced) Innovations, pp.131-141.
    3. Di Marino M. & Mariotti I. (2024). Public libraries as new community hubs for remote workers? In D.-G. Tremblay & G. Krauss (Eds.), The coworking (r)evolution. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp.244-256. 
    4. Di Marino M. (2023). Key challenges for rural areas: new planning strategies. In Living with Earthquakes. A strategic plan for the earthquake prone regions (Ed.) A. Alici, Maggioli Editore, Milano, n. 04 Serie Elzéard, 978-88-916-3618-8
    5. Di Marino  M. & Chavoshi H. (2023). Working (and living) during Corona Times and implications for planning and mobility - The case of Norway. In M. Akhavan , M.Hölzel  & D. Leducq European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking during the Covid-19 Pandemic, pp. 53-62 OPEN ACCESS  https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-26018-6_6
    6. Sinitsyna A., Di Marino M. & Paas T. (2022) Virtual Coworking and Remote Working: Corona Lessons and Perspectives from Estonia and Norway. In I. Mariotti, M. Di Marino, & P. Bednar, The COVID-19 pandemic and Future of Working Spaces, Routledge, pp. 153-164 OPEN ACCESS Virtual coworking and remote working | 15 | Lessons and perspectives o (taylorfrancis.com)
    7. Mariottii I., Di Marino M., Akhavan M., Capdevila I. (2022) The effects of Covid-19 on coworking spaces.In Z.F. Zimmermann (Ed.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, pp.1-20.
    8. Mariotti I., Di Marino M., Akhavan M. (2021) The emergence of coworking models in the face of pandemic. In J. R. Bryson, L. Andres, E. Aksle, L. Reardon. Living with Pandemics: People, Place and Policy: Edward Elgar publisher,pp.129-139
    9. Lapintie K. & Di Marino M. (2019). Biodiversity, ecosystem services and environmental planning. In  Companion to Environmental Planning and Sustainability. (Eds.) Davoudi, S., H. Cowell, & I. White (Eds). London/New York: Routledge, 268-276.
    10. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. (2018). Emerging workplaces in the post-functionalist cities. In New Urban Geographies of the Creative and Knowledge Economies. (Eds.) Armondi S and Di Vita S. The chapter was originally published as journal article within a special issue of the Journal of Urban Technology. Routledge, 21-35.

    Book reviews for scientific journals (3)

    1. Di Marino M. & Bajada T. (2021). Book review New Workplaces—Location Patterns, Urban Effects and Development Trajectories. AWorldwide Investigation (Eds I Mariotti, S. Di Vita & M. Akavan), Urban Studies, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00420980211045587?fbclid=IwAR0MNI3de-ctMASCFC36QfFSOpaNQ1I5uO8NAjl59jUuwTktIcEAhAswi_I
    2. Di Marino M. and Grabalov Pavel (2021). Companion to public spaces. Landscape Research,  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01426397.2021.1872828
    3. Di Marino M. (2012). Book Review of ‘Ruolo e pianificazione delle aree agricole periurbane. L'esperienza del Parco agricolo Sud Milano’ (Roles and planning of peri-urban agricultural areas. Learned experiences from the South Agricultural Park of Milan), Territorio, 61: 160. ISSN 1825-8689 (Italian Language).

    International conference proceedings (peer-reviewed) (4)

    1. Di Marino M., Trovato M.G., and Gao L.. CLaD and Transdisciplinarity Transdisciplinary challenges, research and education in Landscape democracy, ECLAS, Conference proceedings https://conference.eclas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ECLAS_Scales-of-change_Conference-proceedings_digital.pdf 
    2. Di Marino M. (2016). Ecological networks and ecosystem services in urban regions. Implementation and planning practices. In Jombach S., Valanszki I., Filep-Kovacs K., Fabos, J. Gy., Ryan R.L., Lindhult M.S., Kollanyi L. (Eds.). Greenways and Landscapes in Change-Proceedings of 5th Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning (Budapest, 30 June), pp. 71-78. ISBN978-963-269-547-1. 
    3. Oppio A., Mattia S. & Di Marino M. (2013). Conservazione e valorizzazione dei suoli agricoli soggetti a rischio naturale: valutazione e monitoraggio di piani e politiche in una prospettiva ecosistemica (Protecting and developing vulnerable agricultural lands. Assessment and monitoring of policies on ecosystem services). Conference Proceedings, Seminar Dynamics of land values and Agricultural policies - Evoluzione dei valori fondiari e politiche agricole. ISBN 88-7587-690-6 (Italian and English Language).
    4. Erba V., Di Marino M. & Di Vita S. (2012). GIS for environmental sustainable planning. Opportunities, strengths and weaknesses in Lombardy Region. In Campagna M., De Montis A., Isola F., Lai S., Pira C., Zoppi C. (Eds.), Planning Support Tools: Policy, Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation, pp. 695-706. Franco Angeli Press: Milan. ISBN 9788856875973.

    Co-editor of conference proceedings (1)

    1 Di Marino M. & Teräväinen H. (Eds.) (2014). Architecture as Human Interface 2012. The 4th Symposium of Architectural Research in Finland. The e-book is available at http://shop.aalto.fi/p/747-architecture- as-humaninterface-2012/ISBN 978-952-60-5833-7.

    Other publications not peer reviewed (14)

    Forwards (1)

    • Di Marino M. (2020). Foreword In Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure. Perspectives from Spatial Planning in Italy" (Eds) A. Arcidiacono and S. Ronchi.  Springer Nature, pp I-IV.

    Articles (2)

    • Erba V. & Di Marino M., (2010). Ecological networks in the urban planning. Strategies and action plans in the case studies research of Montreal, Milan and Rome. Urbanistica, 141: 71-78. ISSN 2239-4222 (English and Italian Language).
    • Erba V. & Di Marino M., (2008). Ecological networks and urban design. Urbanistica, 136:
      18-27. INU Press. ISSN 2239-4222 (English and Italian Language).

    Scientific reports (2)

    • Furuseth I.S; Di Marino M., Enge C., Barkved L., Storbekkrønning Solli G. (2024). Naturbaserte løsninger i kommunale planer, Nature-Based Solution in municipal plans. Report commissioned by Miljødirektorat (The Norwegian Environment Agency) https://www.miljodirektoratet.no/publikasjoner/2024/mars-2024/naturbaserte-losninger-i-kommunale-planer/
    • Di Marino M. (2017). Applicazione dei servizi ecosistemici alla pianificazione urbana e una riflessione sulle criticita' emerse. Una rassegna di casi internazionali. In La Dimensione europea del consumo di suolo. A. Arcidiacono, D. Di Simine, F. Oliva. S. Ronchi, S.Salata, pp.165-170. ISBN 978-88-7603-159-5.


    • Co-authored book (1)
      Erba V., Agostini S. & Di Marino M. (2010). Guida alla Pianificazione Sostenibile. Strumenti di agro-ecologia. [Guide to the sustainable planning. Tools and methods of agro-ecology]. Maggioli Press, Milan-ISBN 978-88-387-5483-7 (Italian Language). The book provides a scientific background of agricultural landscape management and green infrastructures including references to the landscape ecology and spatial planning. In addition, students find a comprehensive overview of the global, European and Italian policies (such as European Landscape Convention, Community Agricultural Policies and Biodiversity Strategies). The aim of the book is to provide students with theories and methods of spatial planning and landscape analysis under the framework of biodiversity and agricultural landscape management.

    Book chapter (1)

    • Di Marino M. (2012). La VAS nelle infrastrutture lombarde: la Pedemontana. (Strategic Environmental Assessment of infrastructure program: the case study of Pedemontana highway). In Zoppi C.(Ed.), Valutazione e Pianificazione delle trasformazioni territoriali nei processi di governance and e-governance, pp. 185-192 Franco Angeli Press: Milan. ISBN: 9788856845969 (Italian Language).

    Conference proceedings (5)

    • Di Marino M., and Mariotti I. (2022) Regenerating peripheral regions of Norway and Italy. Profiling coworking and exploring the Covid-19 effects, IV International Forum Gran Sasso https://www.diocesiteramoatri.it/wpcontent/uploads/2022/10/FORUM_PARTE_3.pdf
    • Agostini S. & Di Marino M., (2011). Rural heritage and consumption of soil", Act of International Congress Save Heritage, 9-11 June 2011 (English Language).
    • Erba V. & Di Marino M., (2010). Strategie per identificare, sviluppare e gestire le zone umide. Il caso comparativo tra le regioni metropolitane di Montreal e Milan.(Strategies to identify and manage wetlands. Cross-comparative analysis between the metropolitan regions of Montreal and Milan). Conference Proceedings of Landscape Ecology for the management of wetlands. New approaches to enhance the ecosystem services in the wetlands. University of Ravenna, 3-4 December 2009. ISBN 978-88-9008 (Italian Language).
    • Erba V. & Di Marino M., (2006). Ecomuseo del paesaggio. Il caso studio di Lainate-Nerviano-Parabiago. Ecomuseum of landscape. Ecomusuem of landscape. The case study of Lainate-Nerviano-Parabiago. In the International Conference Proceedings Living and walking in cities, the place of green. European Commission Press: Brescia (Italian Language).
    • Erba V. & Di Marino M., (2008). Biodiversity and urban planning. In the 2nd blue +green International Congress environ-scape. Franco Angeli Press: Milan, ISBN 9-788838-743207 (Italian Language).

    Book and conference reviews (2)

    • Di Marino M., (2008). Review of the Third International Conference “Implementing the convention on biological diversity in town and cities”, Urban biodiversity and design. Erfurt 2008. Territorio, 45, Franco Angeli Press: Milan. ISSN 1825-8689 (Italian Language).
    • Di Marino M., (2012). Book Review of ‘Ruolo e pianificazione delle aree agricole periurbane. L'esperienza del Parco agricolo Sud Milano’ (Roles and planning of peri-urban agricultural areas. Learned Experiences from the South Agricultural Park of Milan), Territorio, 61: 160. ISSN 1825-8689 (Italian Language).

    International/national conference papers (39):

    I have presented several conference papers to 39 international conferences (in UK, Denmark, France, Finland, Slovenia, Norway, the Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Albania, and India)

    1. Benedini A and Di Marino M. Nature-based solutions for pluvial flood adaptation: the role of spatial planning to support transformative change, paper accepted for the 5th ESP European Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership: Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 18-22 November 2024
    2. Di Marino M., Furuset I., Enge C., Barkved L.J., Storbekkrønning Solli G. Nature-Based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas: a Norwegian planning perspective, paper accepted for the 5th ESP European Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership: Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 18-22 November 2024.
    3. Gato M. and Di Marino M. Bound by Hybrid Lifestyles: Challenges Faced by Young Generations in Lisbon and Oslo for the 16th ESA European Sociological Conference, Porto, 27-30 August, 2024.
    4. Di Marino M., Storbekkrønning Solli G., Furuset I., Enge C.,  Barkved L.J., Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas: a Norwegian planning perspective, AESOP 2024,Game Changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12 July, 2024.
    5. Di Marino M., Priya Uteng T., Chavoshi H., Standal A.K.,Re-shared neighborhoods: the key to bringing circular principles to the urban neighborhoods? The case of Oslo, AESOP 2024,Game Changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions, Paris, 8-12 July, 2024.
    6. Di Marino M., Tomaz E., Gato M., Priya Uteng T., Xiu J., Chavoshi H. & Henriques C. Multilocality and unilocality within the green transition framework.  The 8th Annual Meeting of the European Network of Multi-Locality Studies, 23-24 November 2023, Bologna, Italy.
    7. Di Marino M., Maija T., Rehunen A., Chavoshi H, & Lapintie K.  Multi-locality post the COVID-19 pandemic in the regions of Oslo and Helsinki: A regional planning perspective. The 8th Annual Meeting of the European Network of Multi-Locality Studies, 23-24 November 2023, Bologna, Italy.
    8. Di Marino M., Priya Uteng T. & Chavoshi H. ‘Resharing’ space, services and mobility. Innovative approaches to the planning of Oslo. AESOP 2023, Integrated Planning in a World of Turbulences, Lodz, 11-15 July 2023. 
    9. Di Marino M. Public libraries as hybrid spaces. The cases of Norway and Finland. AESOP Thematic Group on Public Libraries as Generators of Peace, Helsinki, 15-16 May 2023.
    10. Di Marino M., Trovato M.G., and Gao L.. CLaD and Transdisciplinarity Transdisciplinary challenges, research and education in Landscape democracy, ECLAS, Lubiana, 12 September 2022.
    11. Di Marino M., Aboutalebi Tabrizi H., Sinitsyna A., Hossein C. Hybrid Cities and New Working Spaces, AISRE, Milan, 5-7 September 2022
    12. Di Marino M. and Chavoshi S. H. Multilocal working and COVID-19 pandemic. Plannord 2022. The 10th Nordic Planning Research Symposium
    13. Yunitsyna A., Di Marino M. (NO), Tagliaro C. (IT), Karel Smejkal, Ernest Shtepani (AL), Prototyping a coworking space in the Post-COVID era.  4-ICAUD Final Detailed Conference, Tirana, 24-26 November 2021
    14. Di Marino M., Mariotti I. Regenerating peripheral regions of Norway and Italy. Profiling coworking and exploring the Covid-19 effects. IV Gran Sasso International Forum, 1-2 October, 2021
    15. Tomaz E. (PT), Di Marino M. (NO), Henriques C. (PT), Chavoshi S. H. (NO). Coworking spaces in Lisbon and Oslo from a chrono-urbanism perspective, Cityplus International Conference, Milan, 30 October 2021.
    16. Di Marino M., Tomaz E., Henriques C., and Chavoshi H.S. Coworking in 15-minutes cities. The cases of Lisbon and Oslo. Royal Geography Society, 2021, 31 August –3 September.
    17. Di Marino M.,  Sinitsyna A., and Paas T.  Remote working vs (virtual and physical) coworking space: corona lessons from two Nordic countries and outlooks for the future. AISRE 2021, Local Sustainable Development and Relaunch: What Role for Tradition and Innovation.The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the geography of work and new working spaces, 8-10 September 2021. 
    18. Di Marino M., Mariotti I., and Ignasi C. Profile rural coworking and multilocal habits in Norway, Spain and ItalyERSA 2021, Territorial Future,visions and scenario for a resilient Europe. Special Session, New working spaces, resiliency, and peripheral areas during the Covid-19 pandemic, 24-27 August 2021. 
    19. Di Marino M. Societal and scientific impacts of NWS studies: 'How do we network, exchange knowledge and share ideas with experts, non-experts and stakeholders on NWS'? RSA 2021 Regions in Recovery E-Festival, Regional Studies Association, 2-18 June 2021, European Cost Action Project "The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery": findings, challenges and future perspectives (closed session).
    20. Di Marino M, Akhavan M., Mariotti M., and Chavoshi S.H.New Working Spaces in the age of digital transformation. Location factors and implications for planning in two cities of Oslo and Milan. Abstract accepted for the 5th RGCS Virtual Symposium “Collaborative practices, workspaces and communities in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis”, December 14-15, 2020.
    21. Di Marino M. and Chavoshi S. H. New working spaces and practices and impacts of Covid-19. The case of Oslo. Nye steder å gjøre arbeidet, og praksis og virkninger av Covid-19. Saken om Oslo. Seksjon Inkluderende by- og regional utvikling: Hvordan kan omstillingen til lavutslippssamfunnet være sosialt inkluderende? Oslo  Byens fleksibilitet, October, 28-29 oktober, 2020.
    22. Akhavan M., Di Marino M., Mariotti M.  and Chavoshi  H.S.  Coworking Spaces in Milan and Oslo Typologies, Location Factors and Policy Tools. Paper presented at ERSA 2020 Spatial challenges for the New World. Special session PS42-New working spaces, digital transformations and peripheral areas. August - 26-28 august, 2020.
    23. Di Vita S. and Di Marino M. From Place-Making to Region-Making: Challenges to Planning in Urban Regions. AESOP, Venice, 9-13 July, 2019.
    24. Di Marino M. Gao L.,  Mouratidis M., Evensen K.H. and Patil G. Need for private nature? Understanding the role of private green space  in the context of urban densification in Norway. 8th Nordic Geographers' Meeting, Trondheim, 16-19, June 2019.
    25. Gao L.,  Mouratidis M., Di Marino M. Evensen K.H. and Patil G. Private green space and its potential contribution to enhancing liveability in urban areas. PLANNORD. The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium, Ås, 21 - 23 August 2019.
    26. Di Marino M., Skills and knowledge in transdisciplinary contexts of planning education. AESOP, Göteborg, 10-14 July, 2018.
    27. Di Marino M., Tiitu M. & Lapintie K. 'Knowledge-based green infrastructure and ecosystem services. The cases of Helsinki Uusimaa Region and City of Järvenpää (Finland)’, Aesop, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-15 July, 2017.
    28. Lapintie K., Di Marino M & Hewidy H., 'An archeology of silence a study of words and things that planners do not talk about' Aesop, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-15 July, 2017.
    29. Di Marino M. , Exploring the green fingers and city boulevards: the new Helsinki City Plan. In Further Environscapes Enivironmental Design in Europe, Milan, Italy, 17-18 Januray 2017.
    30. Di Marino M. & Lapintie K. Communicating urban growth and ecosystem services in the age of Web 2.0. In World Planning Schools Congress 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-8 July 2016.
    31. Di Marino M. Ecological networks and ecosystem services in urban regions. Implementation and planning practices. Greenways and Landscapes in Change-Proceedings of 5th Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June 2016.
    32. Lapintie K. & Di Marino M. Planning in the age of Web 2.0. In Annual AESOP Congress 2015, Prague, Czech Republic,July 13-16, 2015.
    33. Horst S.O. & Di Marino M. Organizing, Workspace, and Materiality: A Case of Appreciative (Inclusive) Management Practices. In 31st EGOS Colloquium 2015, Athens, Greece, 2-4 July,2015.
    34. Di Marino M. & Lapintie, K. Teleworking in third places. In Dynamics of Virtual Work: The Transformation of Labour in a Global Digital Economy, Conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK, September 3-5, 2014.
    35. Di Marino M. & Lapintie, K. New spaces for work in the public realm. In Annual AESOP Congress 2014
      ‘From control to evolution - Urban Design and Public Realm’, University of Utrecht/Delft, the Netherlands, July 9-12, 2014.
    36. Di Marino M. & Erba V. Sites of Community Importance: assessment of biodiversity action plans for the conservation of natural resources. Suggested guidelines to decision-makers. In 3rd URBIO2012 conference “Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation” Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, October 8-12, 2012.
    37. Erba V. & Di Marino M., I paesaggi lineari delle ferrovie dismesse. Progetti di greenways lungo il tracciato della ValMorea e della ValBrembana. (Linear landscapes along abandoned railways. Greenways along Morea and Brembana Valleys). Seminar of Linear Landscapes, Polythecnic of Milan, Italy, May 21, 2012 (Italian Language).
    38. Di Marino M. (2010). Strategie per identificare, sviluppare e gestire le zone umide. Il caso comparativo tra le regioni metropolitane di Montreal e Milan. (Strategies to identify and manage wetlands. Cross-comparative analysis between the metropolitan regions of Montreal and Milan). Conference on Landscape Ecology for the Management of Wetlands. New approaches to enhance the ecosystem services in wetlands. University of Ravenna, 3-4 December 2009 (Italian Language).
    39. Di Marino M., La realizzazione di cinture verdi attraverso lo sviluppo della rete ecologica [della landscape ecology] . I casi di Montreal, Milano e Roma (Green belts and ecological networks. Case studies of Montreal, Milan and Rome). XIX International Seminar Nature/Architecture and Ecology in the built environment, University of Camerino, Italy. Poster Presentation, 3-8 August, 2009 (Italian Language).

    Conference as attendee

    • Le paysage en actions. 1er forum québécoise sur la demande sociale en paysage. Universitè de Montreal, Canada, 15-16 June, 2008 (participation as audience).
    • Third international conference Urban biodiversity and design, Implementing the convention on biological diversity in town and cities. Erfurt, Germany, 9-24 May 2008 (participation as audience).

    Invited speaker to conference, lecture, summer schools, seminars and workshops (33)

    1. 2025 19th AESOP Young Academics Conference “Circular Cities and Regions: Planning for Sustainable Social and Inclusive Communities” Hanover, Germany, 17.- 21 March 2025, with a key-note speech entitled “Resource sharing in circular regions and cities”
    2. 2024 Celebrating 25 years of Urban Ecological Planning: Urban Resilience Symposium for Climate Transition, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, June 26, 2024, within the track “Land-Use as a Shared Resource”, with a speech entitled “Sharing in densification and circular cities”.
    3. 2024 Course of Architectural and Urban Composition at the “Eduardo Vittoria”, School of Architecture and Design of Ascoli Piceno, University of Camerino, March 28, 2024, with a presentation entitled “Multi locational and hybrid work - A Nordic perspective."
    4. 2024 NBS South One-day INTERNATIONAL Seminar Program Urban Nature-based solutions (NBS) for Climate’, Politecnico Milano, February 13, 2024 with a presentation entitledUrban Nature-based solutions (NBS) to climate change adaptation in urban areas: a Norwegian Planning Perspective”.
    5. 2023 Panel on Green infrastructure and Nature-based solutions for Smart City symposium University of Stavanger Norway, 6–7 December 2023, with a presentation entitled “Interlinking the silos: “How to stimulate a new debate on more greenery in cities. From the evolving conceptualization of nature to the Nature-Based Solutions in planning and beyond.”
    6. 2023 DOCTORAL STUDIES WORKSHOP AND COURSE ON URBAN AND TERRITORIAL POLICIES, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma 3 Rome, Italy, , 29 November 2023, with a presentation entitled “The role of green-blue infrastructures for the urban regeneration. The case of Oslo, Helsinki and Montreal”
    7. 2023 GLOBAL LANDSCAPE COURSE ‘Landscape in a Globalised World: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives Ås, Norway, School of Landscape Architecture, 15 November 2023, with a presentation entitled “Circular economy in the built environment and planning”.
    8. 2023 WORKSHOP HYBRID CITIES London, UK, School of Economics and Political Science, 13 November 2023, with a presentation entitled “Hybrid cities -The case of Oslo.
    9. 2023 LUND UNIVERSITY, Lund, Sweden, 7 November 2023, before the doctoral defence, PhD examiners were asked to present current project on sharing.  with a presentation entitled “ReShare project”
    10. 2023 Younger SIU 2023 TRANSITION AND DIGITAL INNOVATION in STRATEGIC COLLABORATIVE PLANNING University of Cagliari, Italy, 13–14 June 2023. Discussant of the PhD workshop with 65 attendants, with a presentation entitledStrategic planning, transdisciplinary approach and digital transition and participation”.
    11. COURSE ON ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 22 May 2023, with a presentation entitled “Future agenda of urban and regional planning in the age of Anthropocene in the Nordic context: urban growth and urban nature in Oslo and Helsinki”
    12. 2023 NMBU university, Research group of URBAN SUSTAINABILITY, Ås, Norway, 29 March 2023, with a presentation entitled “ReShare Resource sharing in residential buildings: Innovative approaches to shared, circular mobility & space solutions for sustainable consumption”.
    13. 2023  ATHENS university, National Workshop on New Working Spaces, Athens, University of Athens, 23 January 2023, with a presentation entitled “Multi-locational and hybrid work - public vs private New Working Spaces -The case of Oslo”
    14. 2022  Aalto University, course of Possible Cities, Helsinki, Finland, 11 November 2022, Mina Di Marino with a presentation entitled “ReShare Resource sharing in residential buildings: Innovative approaches to shared, circular mobility & space solutions for sustainable consumption”
    15.  2022 Living with earthquakes Falerone, Italy, 16-25 July 2022, with a presentation entitled “Strategies for revitalizing rural areas”.
    16. 2022 Seminar on Ecosystem services, protection of nature and territory: Integration-oriented planning methodologies University of Cagliari, Italy, June 6-14, 2022, with a presentation entitled “Cultural Ecosystem Services”.
    17. 2022 Seminar on Ecosystem services, protection of nature and territory: Integration-oriented planning methodologies" University of Cagliari, Italy, June 6-14, 2022, with a presentation entitled “Nature-Based Solutions for urban regeneration: The case of Oslo”.
    18. 2022 UNISCAPE’S FORUM for the FAIRER EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE DESIGNING WITH NATURE FOR BEAUTIFUL SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE SPACE, University of Brussel, Belgium/online, 9-10 June 2022, with a presentation entitled “Centre for Landscape Democracy a contribution to the seminar landscape strategy for people and territory”.
    19. 2022 Seminar "Ecosystem services, protection of nature and territory: Integration-oriented planning methodologies" University of Cagliari, Italy, June 6-14, 2022, with a presentation entitled “Green Infrastructures and Ecosystem Services in Oslo: A planning perspective”.
    20. 2022 INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR on PUBLIC SPACE FOR RESILIENT CITIES TOWARDS GLOBAL CHALLENGES; IN MASTER DEGREE COURSE In URBAN REGENERATION, Rome, Italy, Universita’ La Sapienza di Roma, May 24-25, with a presentation entitled “Environmental and digital networks: implications for planning our cities and urban spaces”.
    21. 2021 UNISCAPE 2021 Conference Cultivating CONTINUITY OF the European Landscape one year after, Florence, Italy/online, October 22-24, 2021, with a presentation entitled “Introduction to the Centre for Landscape Democracy (NMBU) The  future challenges in landscape research”.
    22. 2021  Seminar "Ecosystem services, protection of nature and territory: Integration-oriented planning methodologies" University of Cagliari, Italy, June 4-12, 2021, with a presentation entitled “Esperienza partecipativa nella mappatura dei servizi all’interno di un processo di piano”.
    23. 2021 Seminar "Ecosystem services, protection of nature and territory: Integration-oriented planning methodologies" University of Cagliari, Italy, June 4-12, 2021, with a presentation entitled “Servizi ecosistemici e infrastrutture verdi: esempi di partecipazione nella pianificazione. Esperienze dalla Norvegia e Finlandia”.
    24. 2021 First National Workshop about Coworking places in Albania Tirana, Albania/online workshop, May 27, 2021, with a presentation entitled “New Working Spaces in Norway and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic”.
    25. 2020 The 4th SUMMER SCHOOL ON WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT 2021 which is co-organized with COST Action CA18214, online, June 28 - July 16, 2020, with a presentation entitled “Multilocality and COVID 19”.
    26. City of Oslo meets NMBU academics Norway, Ås, March 1, 2019, with a presentation entitled “Need for private nature? Understanding the role of private green space in the context of urban densification in Norway”.
    27. 2019 The 3rd Summer school of Workplace Management -Summer School, July 6-24, 2019, e-learning and live webinars, with a presentation entitled “Multilocality and COVID 19”.
    28. 2018 LIVING with EARTHQUAKES, A strategic plan for the earthquake’s prone regions, Amandola, Amandola, Italy, 25 July - 1 August 2018, with a presentation entitled “Key-challenges for rural areas: new planning strategies”.
    29. 2018 Urban Promo 2020. Il territorio del Green Deal Milan, September 18, 2020, with a presentation entitled “Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services. Potentials and challenges in urban and regional planning (Infrastrutture verdi e blu e servizi ecosistemici. Potenzialità e criticità per la pianificazione territorial)”.
    30. 2017  Lecture series on open space design Politecnico di Milano, Italy, February 6, 2017.Lapintie K. & Di Marino M., with a presentation entitled “Ecosystem infrastructure of the new metropolitan master plan of Helsinki”
    31. 2016 Association of Finnish local and regional authorities (Suomen Kuntaliitto) Helsinki, Finland, 15 March 2016, with a presentation entitled “Libraries as transitory workspaces and spatial incubators”.
    32. 2015 Finnish Union of University Teachers and Researchers (INA) Helsinki, Finland, 23 October 2015, with a presentation entitled “Libraries as transitory workspaces and spatial incubators”.
    33. 2015 Aalto University, Meeting with the architects, designers and librarians in charge of rethinking the Aalto University Library (today so-called New Learning Centre) Helsinki, Finland, February 2015, with a presentation entitled “Libraries as transitory workspaces and spatial incubators”.


  • Undervisning


    Responsible teacher/Invited speaker for the following courses

    • 2024 APL 360 Sustainable urban regions - Responsible teacher (15 cr)
    • 2024 APL380 Environmental Governance for Planning -  Invited speaker (10cr)
    • 2023 on-going PRAK200 Internship for planners-  Responsible teacher (5cr-30cr)
    • 2023 ongoing GLA303 Landscape in a Globalised World: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives - Invited speaker (10cr) 
    • 2023 APL240 Environment and Planning - Invited speaker (5cr)
    • 2022 co-responsible for special syllabus 'Living with the earthquake' (5 cr)
    • 2020 on-going MAST301 Planning the master thesis for urban and regional planning - spring module, Responsible teacher (5 cr)
    • 2020 on-going MAST301 Planning the master thesis for urban and regional planning autumn module, responsible teacher (5 cr)
    • 2021 on-going APL 360 Sustainable urban regions - Supervision and Invited speaker (15 cr)
    • 2020-ongoing A0S340 Qualitative methods- Invited speaker (5 cr)
    • 2019-2021 PRAK 200 Internship for planners - responsible teacher  (5 cr -30 cr)
    • 2018- 2019 MAST300 Planning the master thesis for urban and regional planning - Responsible teacher (5 cr)

    Recent supervision of doctoral dissertations 

    • Doctoral dissertation by Zieda Tamasauskaite 'Shopping malls as public spaces' (working title) University of Turku. Supervisors Maunu Häyrynen and Mina Di Marino. Defence on March 1, 2024
    • on-going Doctoral dissertation by Maryam Gorgopour 'Antecedents and Outcomes of Multi-local Living and Working ​ from the Planning Perspective ​ – The case of the urban region of Oslo”. Main supervisor Mina Di Marino and Co-supervisor Tim Richardson
    • on-going Doctoral dissertation by Andrea Benedini ' Adopting resilience-thinking in spatial planning for flood risk management: The cases of Oslo, Copehnagen and Milan'. Main supervisor Andrea Arcidiacono and Co-supervisor Mina Di Marino.

    External PhD examiner/opponent 2023-2024

    • PhD examiner: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Sweden), December 6, 2024. PhD thesis entitled 'Adapting to Change Planning Practices in a Shifting Societal Context'
    • PhD examiner/opponent: University of Trento (Italy), July-October 2024, PhD thesis entitled ’Ecosystem services and conditions as evidenced-based support for the transfer of development rights’
    • PhD examiner: University of Lund (Sweden), November 6, 2023. PhD thesis entitled ’Adaptive reuse and shared spaces as circular business model’
    • PhD opponent: Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), November 21, 2023. PhD thesis entitled ‘Green Infrastructure for Water Security-Based Urban Planning: A Comparative Analysis of Systemic Urban Plans and Spatial Flood-based GI Priority Layouts in Monterrey and Brussels

    PhD examiner for internal seminar (from the 1st year PhD to the 2nd year)

    • University of Cagliari, January 19, 2024. PhD thesis entitled ‘Ecosystem Services in urban plans. Methodological approaches and evaluation’
    • NMBU, April 11, 2024. PhD thesis entitled ‘Commemoration in place: meaning, landscape and contestation’

    Supervision of master theses  on-going (5)

    Supervision of master theses completed (16 master students supervised by Mina Di Marino)

    1. Johannes Fjøsne Storm En komparativ studie av overvannshåndtering i Skandinavias hovedsteder: et planleggingsperspektive. Main supervisor Mina Di Marino
    2. 2024 Turid Hansvold Niva Fleksible arbeidsplassers innvirkning på arealplanlegging sett i et 15-minuttersbyperspektiv – enstudie av Oslo kommunes arealplanlegging Main supervisor Mina Di Marino.
    3. 2023 Magnus Grøneng Haugdal. Konsekvenser av mer fleksibel arbeidshverdag for by- og regionplanlegging, Main supervisor Mina Di Marino 
    4. 2022 Anna Martinsen Olsvold. Ville dyr i urbane områder: et planleggingsperspektiv. Wild animals in urban areas: a planning perspective. Main supervisor Mina Di Marino 
    5. 2022 Beulah  Kaneshalingam (BYREG) Et konseptuelt rammeverk for koblingen mellom grønn infrastruktur og livability Et verktøy for analysering av planleggingen av Oslo kommune i lys av grønn infrastrukturs kobling til livability
    6. 2022 Sondre Vaage (BYREG) Kan coworking være en suksessfaktor for den pågående byutviklingen i Follo og Romerike?
    7. 2022 Anjela Hovrud (FOHE) The impacts of modern multilocality 
      and unilocality of working and living on individuals’ well-being:  advantages and disadvantages for  Norwegian public health
    8. 2022 Ådne Haug (BYREG). Innovasjon og næringsutvikling i små/mellomstore byer: et planleggingsperspektiv. Innovation and business development in small/medium sized cities: from an urban planning perspective. Main supervisor Mina Di Marino
    9. 2021 Michelle Granados Johansen (LA). Understanding of Green Infrastructure and implications for urban planning in the Mexican city of Culiacán. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino
    10. 2021 Hanna Flesche Hellenes (BYREG). Fra Rockheim til Kunstheim - Samskaping i kunst i det offentlige rom og byutvikling. From Rockheim to Kunstheim - Co-creation in public art and urban development. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino
    11. 2021 Ida Marie Kroknes Harms (BYREG). El-sparkesykler og offentlige byrom : et observasjonsstudie av offentlige byrom i Oslo sentrum (Electric scooters and public urban spaces – An observational study of public urban spaces in central Oslo). Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino
    12. 2021 Ida Haraldseid Gramstad (BYREG). Portaler som verktøy for innbyggermedvirkning. En studie av E16portalen Portals as tools in public participation. A Study of the E16 Portal. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino
    13. 2020 Nikoline Asdøl (BYREG). Urban trees and cycle lanes in the City of Oslo'. Byreg, NMBU. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino, Co-Supervisor  Inger-Lise Saglie Ingjerd Solfjeld
    14. 2020 Martin Reigstad and Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen (BYREG). 'Computer games as a tool in public participation process'. Byrge, NMBU. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino, Co-Supervisor Ramzi Hassam.
    15. 2019 Holan Sturle (BYREG). Walkability og handel i Kristiansand' (Walkability and commerce in Kristiansand). Byreg, NMBU. Main Supervisor Mina Di Marino.

    Supervision of Erasmus Internship 30 cr. completed in 2022 (2)

    1. Luciana Nole' -UNIBAS Italy, Reshare project 

    2. Rose Chapelier LaSalle University, Reshare project and SENSUS Project

  • Forskning og prosjekter
  • Mer om meg og CV

    Invited speaker to national and international seminars (most recent)

    1. 19th Aesop young academics conference “circular cities and regions: planning for sustainable social and inclusive communities” Hanover, Germany, 17.- 21 March 2025, with a key-note speech entitled “Resource sharing in circular regions and cities”
    2. Celebrating 25 years of urban ecological planning: urban resilience symposium for climate transition, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, June 26, 2024, within the track “Land-Use as a Shared Resource”, with a speech entitled “Sharing in densification and circular cities”.
    3. NBS south one-day international seminar program urban nature-based solutions (nbs) for climate adaptation’, Politecnico Milano, Italy, February 13, 2024, with a speech entitled ‘Urban Nature-Based solutions (NBS) to climate change adaptation in urban areas: a Norwegian Planning Perspective”.
    4. Panel on green infrastructure and Nature-Based solutions for smart city symposium, University of Stavanger Norway, 6–7 December 2023, with a speech entitled “Interlinking the silos: “How to stimulate a new debate on more greenery in cities. From the evolving conceptualization of nature to the Nature-Based Solutions in planning and beyond.”
    5. Workshop on hybrid cities - London, UK, School of Economics and Political Science, 13 November 2023, discussant with a presentation entitled “Hybrid cities -The case of Oslo”.


    Societal outcomes


    Dialogues on Urban Ecological Planning: SOUTH-NORTH NARRATIVES ON LAND, CULTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE Invited speaker to the podcast ‘Nature-Based Solutions for urban resilience’ . The podcast was published on January 20, 2025, and it belongs to a podcast series https://open.spotify.com/episode/5aKvxwbODaGsjLJNTDJDTd?si=1e7ee0ab3329482d


    HYBGEN: Hybrid trends of young adults: Living+Working+Caring”

    Responsible for the two collaborative workshops organized in Ås, BIT Innovasjonssenter, Norway, May 22, 2024, and in Oslo, Sentralen, May 23, 2024, with the participation of students, researchers and private and public stakeholders. I was also one of the responsible for the communication (contents of blogs for LinkedIn and Facebook, and the website HybGen (iscte-iul.pt))



    Blågrønne løsninger i planarbeid – lovhjemmel og gjennomføring i praksis (Blue-green solutions in planning - legislation and implementation in practice). Presentation of the report “Naturbaserte løsninger i kommunale planer” (Nature-Based Solutions in municipal plans) arranged by Norwegian Municipal Technical Association (NKF) (Norsk kommunalteknisk forening), with the participation of more than 75 participants. Online, April 10, 2024



    Presentasjon av rapport: Naturbaserte løsninger i plan Presentation of the report “Naturbaserte løsninger i kommunale planer” (Nature-Based Solutions in municipal plans) with the participation of more than 45 Norwegian municipalities, arranged by Miljødirektorat, March 4, 2024



    Klimarobuste planer/Samarbeide mellom NMBU og Folloregionen. Climate robust plans/cooperation between NMBU and the Follo Region.  I was coordinating one of the workshops on Nature-Based Solutions with several participants, such as official planners/practitioners from the municipalities of the region (Nordre Follo, Ås, Vestby, Frogn, Nesodden og Enebakk) and officials from other division -water, climate, energy and environment-). Ås, Norway, February 14, 2024.


    2021 – Ongoing


    Preparation of blogs, dissemination/communication of scientific results and outcomes from workshops and meetings with stakeholders and residents https://www.nmbu.no/en/research/projects/reshare



    RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMMUNICATION OF the CENTRE FOR LANDSCAPE DEMOCRACY Preparation of blogs, dissemination/communication of workshops with researchers, stakeholders and students, and scientific results https://www.nmbu.no/en/research/groups/centre-landscape-democracy-clad



    Interviews about my research on MULTILOCATIONAL WORK, hybrid work and New Working spaces have appeared on Norwegian newspapers and other social media:




    PODCAST  Introducing New Working Spaces COST ACtion CA18214

    One of the invited speakers, as Science Communication Manager, to introduce the COST Action CA18214, the activities and future plans, co-responsible also for the scripts of the podcast.



    EUROPEAN WORKSHOP “COST ACTION CA18214 meets policymakers, stakeholders and researchers” 18 May 2022

    I was one of the main organizers of the workshop - with the core group members of the COST Action CA18214main responsibilities: i) preparation of the letters for inviting the stakeholders, preparation of the structure and contents of the workshop; iii) construction of the mind map for engaging the participants into the discussion. https://new-working-spaces.eu/the-european-workshop-cost-action-ca18214-meets-policymakers-stakeholders-and-researchers-will-be-held-on-may-18-2022-from-13-30-to-16-30-online-see-the-agenda-and-info-in-the-article/



    WEBINAR arranged by Regional Studies: PRESENTATION OF THE CO-EDITED BOOK “The Covid-19 pandemic and the future of working space” I was one of the invited speakers, and as co-editor I was responsible for the preparation of the presentation The Covid 19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces - YouTube




    I was the author of the blog: https://www.cost.eu/action-blog-new-working-spaces/



    Oslo Kommune 18-19 March 2021

    I was invited as speaker to the seminar on the role of retail in sustainable urban development, organized by the Oslo Municipality, with Viken County (om detaljhandelens rolle i bærekraftig byutvikling Oslo Kommune og med Viken Fylkeskommune).



    National workshop, Norway

    2 November 2021. I was the co-organizer of the first national workshop on new working spaces in Norway – NMBU, Hogskolen, COST Action CA18214 and Co-working Norge https://www.nmbu.no/en/projects/new-working-spaces/about/news/node/44130




    I was author of this blog: New working spaces in the Finnish and Norwegian context | multiplicities




    I was interviewed for a publication on new workscapes edited by Carlo Ratti Associati. Through my research outcomes on emerging working places and practices, I contributed to several discourses on the changes of workspaces and buildings/neighborhoods due to the new working habits and spatial arrangements https://partnership.coperni.co/nuovo-paesaggio-lavoro


    2017 – 2019

    The research results from THE PROJECT City Work Life have supported the functional design of the New Central Library-Oodi Library in Helsinki, and changes to the Finnish Constitution on public libraries as third places.



    The research results from THE PROJECT City Work Life were published in the national newspaper: Helsinki Sanomat https://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/art2000002926738.html?jako=6384a06ce99731613b8570033680ca56&ref=fb-share