Ida Beitnes Johansen

Ida Beitnes Johansen


  • Faggruppe fysiologi

 In my research, I use different teleost models (salmonids, zebrafish, medaka, California killifish) to study neuro - and cardiovascular physiology. In short, I study various biological factors (e.g. stress, parasites, immune responsiveness,  early-life experience) affecting phenotypic traits like behavior, physiology, organ plasticity, disease and the welfare of fish.

During my PhD and later postdoc research, my main research focus was related to individual variation in stress responsiveness and how that affects neuronal and cardiac plasticity in salmonid fishes. Perhaps the most important contribution to this field of research, was the identification of stress and stress hormones as important contributors to the development of cardiac disease in salmonids. In addition to my PhD and postdoc research, I have been fortunate to be involved in several projects ranging from depression-like syndromes in Atlantic salmon to anoxia-tolerance in crucian carp and metabolic dysfunction in heart failure. 

Currently, salmonid cardiovascular physiology and pathology is an important research focus in my group. The salmonid heart is an extraordinarily plastic organ, well known for its ability to change (i.e. remodel) and grow in response to physiologic stimulation. Our research focuses on factors that stimulate adaptive (i.e. beneficial) and maladaptive (i.e. pathological) remodelling of the salmonid heart, with a particular focus on pathological remodelling and heart disease in farmed Atlantic salmon. To study cardiovascular physiology and pathology in salmonids we use different techniques to assess gross morphology (e.g. imaging, MRI, histology), expression of molecular disease markers (qPCR, RNAseq) and cardiac performance (in vivo recordings of heart function).

I also study interactions between pathogens and hosts and explore mechanisms behind host manipulation. I work with several parasite-host models, including California Killifish infected with the trematode Euhaplorchis Californiensis, Arctic charr infected with several parasite species and zebrafish infected with the parasitic microsporidium Pseudoloma neurophilia. To study  how parasites influence host physiology and behaviour, we combine several techniques including monoamine neurochemistry, brain-region specific gene expression (i.e. qPCR and RNAseq), histology, mass spectrometry, pharmacological manipulation of neural signalling systems (e.g. receptor agonist and antagonist), hormone analysis (e.g. ELISA and RIA) and behavioural analysis (both manual and automated).    


  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)


    1. Vindas, M.A., Midttun, H.L.E., Nadler, L.E., Fontaine, R., Weltzien, F.-A., Øverli, Ø. and Johansen, I.B. (2022), Brain-infecting parasites leave lasting effects on behaviour even in resistant hosts. Funct Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript.
    2. Simona Kavaliauskiene, Victoria Becker, Baojian Sun, Alf S. Dalum, Marco A. Vindas, Hege Lund, Ida B. Johansen, Michael Frisk, L-plastin levels are associated with mortality during cardiomyopathy syndrome in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), Aquaculture, Volume 560,
      2022, 738546,
    3. Helene L. Midttun, Øyvind Øverli, Christian Tudorache, Ida B. Johansen. Non-invasive sampling of water-borne hormones demonstrates individual consistency of the cortisol response to stress in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio). Sci Rep. 12(1), 1-9.
    4. Lauren E Nadler, Erik Bengston, Erika J Eliason, Cameron Hassibi, Siri H Helland‐Riise, Ida B Johansen, Garfield T Kwan, Martin Tresguerres, Andrew V Turner, Kelly L Weinersmith, Øyvind Øverli, Ryan F Hechinger. A brain-infecting parasite impacts host metabolism both during exposure and after infection is established. Functional Ecology. 35 (1), 105-116.
    5. Johansen I.B., Höglund E., Øverli Ø. (2020) Individual Variations and Coping Style. In: Kristiansen T., Fernö A., Pavlidis M., van de Vis H. (eds) The Welfare of Fish. Animal Welfare, vol 20. Springer, Cham
    6. Frisk, M., Høyland, M., Zhang, L., Vindas, M., Øverli, Ø., Johansen, I.B., (2020). Intensive smolt production is associated with deviating cardiac morphology in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture, 735615.
    7. Midttun, H.L.E., Vindas, M.A., Whatmore, P.J., Øverli, Ø., Johansen, I.B., (2020) Effects of Pseudoloma neurophilia infection on the brain transcriptome in zebrafish (Danio rerio). J FIsh Dis. 00: 1-13.
    8. Siri Helene Helland-Riise, Marco Vindas, Ida Beitnes Johansen, Lauren E. Nadler, Kelly Weinersmith, Ryan Hechinger, and ØyvindØverli. (2020). Brain-encysting trematodes (Euhaplorchis californiensis) decrease raphe serotonergic activity in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis). Biol Open. bio.049551.
    9.  Brijs, P. Hjelmstedt, C. Berg, I. B. Johansen, H. Sundh, J. A. C. Roques, A. Ekström, E. Sandblom, K. Sundell, C. Olsson, M. Axelsson and A. Gräns. (2020). Prevalence and severity of cardiac abnormalities and arteriosclerosis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture. 526: 735417.
    10. Helene L.E. Midttun, Marco A. Vindas, Lauren E. Nadler, Øyvind Øverli and Ida B. Johansen. (2020) Behavioural effects of the common brain-infecting parasite Pseudoloma neurophilia in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio). Sci Rep. 10: 8083.

    11. Siri H. Helland-Riise, Lauren E. Nadler, Marco A. Vindas, Erik Bengston, Andrew V. Turner, Ida B. Johansen, Kelly L. Weinersmith, Ryan F. Hechinger, and Øyvind Øverli. (2020) Regional distribution of a brain-encysting parasite provides insight on parasite-induced host behavioral manipulation. J Parasitol. 106(1): 188-197.
    12. Ida B. Johansen, Eirik H. Henriksen, Jenny C. Shaw, Ian Mayer, Per-Arne Amundsen, Øyvind Øverli. (2019). Contrasting associations between breeding coloration and parasitism of male Arctic charr relate to parasite species and life cycle stage." Sci Rep 9(1): 10679.
    13. Øverli, Ø and Johansen, I.B. (2019). Kindness to the final host and vice versa: a trend for parasites providing easy prey? Front Ecol Evol. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00050
    14. Karoline Nørstrud, Marco A. Vindas, Göran E. Nilsson, Ida B. Johansen. (2018). Short-term cortisol exposure alters cardiac hypertrophic and non-hypertrophic signalling in a time-dependent manner in rainbow trout. Biol Open. DOI: 10.1242/bio.037853
    15. Sjannie Lefevre, Jonathan A. W. Stecyk, May-Kristin Torp, Lisa Y. Løvold, Christina Sørensen, Ida B. Johansen, Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Christine S. Couturier, Katherine Sloman, Göran E. Nilsson. (2017). Re-oxygenation after anoxia induces brain cell death and memory loss in the anoxia tolerant crucian carp. J Exp Biol 220(Pt 21): 3883-3895.
    16. Ida. B. Johansen, Erik Sandblom, Karoline S. Nørstrud, Marco A.Vindas, Peter V. Skov, Albin Gräns, Andreas Ekström, Ida G. Lunde, Lili Zhang, Erik Höglund, Ivar Sjaastad, Göran E. Nilsson, Øyvind Øverli. (2017). Bigger is not better: Cortisol-induced cardiac growth and dysfunction in salmonids. J Exp Biol. 220(Pt 14): 2545-2553..
    17. Khan, U. W., Øverli, Ø., Hinkle, P. M., Pasha, F. A., Johansen, I. B., Berget, I., Silva, P. I., Kittilsen, S., Höglund, E., Omholt, S. W., Våge, D.I. (2016). A novel role for pigment genes in the stress response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Sci Rep 6, 28969.
    18. Vindas, M.A., Johansen, I.B., Folkedal, O., Höglund, E., Gorissen, M., Flik, G., Kristiansen, T.S., Øverli, Ø. (2016) Brain serotonergic activation in growth-stunted farmed salmon: adaption versus pathology. R Soc Open Sci, 3, 160030.
    19. Øverli, Ø., Nordgreen, J., Mejdell, C.M., Janczak, A.M., Kittilsen, S., Johansen , I.B., Horsberg, T.E. (2014) Ectoparasitic sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) affect behaviour and brain serotonergic activity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Perspectives on animal welfare. Physiol Behav 132, 44-50.
    20. Vindas, M.A., Johansen, I.B., Vela-Avitua, S., Norstrud, K.S., Aalgaard, M., Braastad, B.O., Hoglund, E. & Overli, O. (2014) Frustrative reward omission increases aggressive behaviour of inferior fighters. Proc R Soc Biol 281, 20140300.
    21. Vindas, M.A., Sorensen, C., Johansen, I.B., Folkedal, O., Höglund, E., Khan, U.W., Stien, L.H., Kristiansen, T.S., Braastad, B.O. & Øverli, Ø. (2014) Coping with unpredictability: Dopaminergic and neurotrophic responses to omission of expected reward in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). PLoS ONE 9, e85543.
    22. Sørensen, C., Johansen, I.B., Øverli, Ø. (2014) Physiology of social stress in fishes (Book Chapter 9), In: The Physiology of Fishes, Fourth Edition , Boca Raton: CRC Press.
    23. Sørensen, C., Johansen, I.B., Øverli, Ø. (2013) Neural plasticity and stress coping in teleost fishes. Gen Comp Endocrinol 181, 25-34.
    24. Kittilsen, S., Johansen, I.B., Braastad, B.O., Øverli, Ø. (2012). Pigments, parasites and personality: towards a unifying role for steroid hormones? PloS one 7, e34281.
    25. Ellefsen, S., Bliksoen, M., Rutkovskiy, A., Johansen, I.B., Kaljusto, M.L., Nilsson, G.E., Vaage, J.I., Stenslokken, K.O., 2012. Per-unit-living tissue normalization of real-time RT-PCR data in ischemic rat hearts. Physiol genomics, 44, 651-656.
    26. Johansen, I. B., Sørensen, C., Sandvik, G. K., Nilsson, G. E., Höglund, E., Bakken, M. and Øverli, Ø. (2012) Neural plasticity is affected by stress and heritable variation in stress coping style. Comp Biochem Phys D, 7:161-171.
    27. Johansen, I. B., Lunde, I. G., Røsjø, H., Christensen, G., Nilsson, G. E., Bakken, M. and Øverli, Ø. (2011). Cortisol response to stress is associated with myocardial remodeling in salmonid fishes. J Exp Biol 214, 1313-1321.
    28. Johansen, I. B., Sandvik, G. K., Nilsson, G. E., Höglund, E., Bakken, M. and Øverli, Ø. (2011) Cortisol receptor expression differs in the brains of rainbow trout selected for divergent cortisol responses. Comp Biochem Phys D, 6, 126-132.
    29. Bruusgaard, J. C., Johansen, I. B., Egner, I. M., Rana, Z. A. and Gundersen, K. (2010). Myonuclei acquired by overload exercise precede hypertrophy and are not lost on detraining. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107, 15111-11516.
    30. Kittilsen, S., Schjolden, J., Beitnes-Johansen, I., Shaw, J. C., Pottinger, T. G., Sørensen, C., Braastad, B. O., Bakken, M. and Øverli, Ø. (2009). Melanin-based skin spots reflect stress responsiveness in salmonid fish. Horm Behav 56, 292-298.