Ståle Navrud

Ståle Navrud


  • Handelshøyskolen

Ståle Navrud is a professor in environmental and resources economics (ERE). He is Dr. Scient. (Ph.D) in ERE from NLH (now NMBU), and has been a visiting researcher and Fulbright  Scholar at University of California (UC) - Berkeley, UC- San Diego and University of New Mexico. He specializes in cost-benefit analysis and economic valuation of ecosystem services (terrestrial, aquatic and marine), biodiversity, recreational activities, landscape aesthetics,  air/soil/water quality, cultural heritage, environmentally related health impacts (from air pollutants, chemicals and radionuclides) , externalities from transport (noise, air pollution, aestehics etc), externalities of renewable energy (hydro and wind) and electric transmission lines (landscape aesthetics, biodiversity and recreational impacts), and environmental impacts from climate change, extreme weather events, nuclear accidents and natural disasters. He has particpated in more than 20 EU-projects on these topics, and has also extensive experience in applying Stated Preference methods in Africa, Asia and South America. He was a review editor of the economics of adaptation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Asessment Report (AR5, 2014), and a member of the pool of experts for the UN Integovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the UN World Ocean Assessment I and II (on the socio-economics of Oceans). He was also an appointed expert to the international technical committees (TC) developing new ISO-standards in environmental management; 14007: "Determinig Environmental Costs and Benefits" and 14008: "Monetary valuation of environmental impacts", and is currently a member of the international committte ISO/TC 323 "Circular Economy" and the national committee SN/K 127 "Miljøledelse" on revision of ISO 14001: "Environmenmtal Management Systems".

  • Fagfelt
    • Environmental Valuation (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
    • Health Economics
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis
    • External Costs of Energy and Transportation
    • Stated Preference Surveys
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)


    Veisten, K, S. Navrud & K. Magnussen (2025): Watch out! Travelers’ valuation of reduced avalanche risks on railways and roads. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 29: 101315, 13 p.,

    Navrud, S. (2024): Samfunnsøkonomisk nytteverdi av sikringstiltak mot overvann, flom og skred. In Norwegian, (Social benefits of climate proofing measures towards flooding and landslides). Chap. 6 (p. 201–219) in S. Taubøll (ed.), Flom, skred og juss (Floods, landslides and law), Cappelen Damm Forskning, Oslo. Flom, skred og juss | Cappelen Damm Forskning

    Nytte, S., S. Navrud & F. Alfnes (2024): Social Acceptance of new Floating Offshore Wind Power; Do attitudes towards existing offshore industries matter? Renewable Energy 230, September 2024, 120855

    Iversen, E.K, K. Grimsrud. H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2024): Mountains of trouble: Accounting for environmental costs of land use change from tourism development. Tourism Management 102, June 2024, 104870 

    Frem, M., L. Nardelli, A. Petrontino, S. Navrud, M.A. Colonna, V. Fucilli & F. Bozzo (2024): Public preferences for edible invasive alien marine species - The Atlantic blue crab in Southern Italy. Neobiota 96;19-47.10.3897/neobiota.96.123885

    Corsi, G., S. Navrud, E. Buonocore, A. Sapio, P.P. Franzese (2024): Evaluating the sustainable development of inner and marginalized areas through an integrated social-biophysical assessment: Introducing the PAISDA framework. Ecological Indicators, Vol 166, Sept 2024, 112272

    Dugstad, A, R. Brouwer, K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2024): Nature is ours! Psychological ownership and preferences for wind energy. Energy Economics, 107239

    Bjerke, J.W., K. Magnussen, R. M. Bright, S. Navrud, R. Erlandsson; E. A. Finne; H. Tømmervik (2024): Synergies and trade-offs between provisioning and climate-regulating ecosystem services in reindeer herding ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment (STOTEN), Available online 28 March 2024, 171914. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171914

    Navrud, S. (2023): Environmental Unit Cost Lists. A Methodological Comparative Analysis. German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) Report 159/2023. Dessau-Rouleau, Germany.

    Roa, D., S. Navrud, K. E. Rosendahl (2023) Accounting for unintended ecological effects of our electric future: Optimizing lithium mining and biodiversity preservation in the Chilean High-Andean wetlands. Energy and Resource Economics; 75 (October 2023), 101389

    Dugstad, A. K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem, and S. Navrud (2023). Place attachment and preferences for wind energy – A value-based approach, Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103094.

    Olesen, I.; A. Bonaldo; R. Farina; A. Gonera; A. Hughes; S. Navrud; F. Orsini; L. Parma & R. Zornoza (2023): Moving beyond agriculture and aquaculture to integrated sustainable food systems as part of a circular bioeconomy. Frontiers in Marine Science 17 August 2023 Section Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources, Vol 10

    Alinda, K., S. Tumwine, I. Nalukenge, T. K. Kaawaase, A. Sserwanga & S. Navrud (2023): Institutional pressures and sustainability practices of manufacturing firms in Uganda. Sustainable Development (Wiley). Published online 06.08.23

    Kaushal, K. & S. Navrud (2023):  Accounting for Biodiversity Costs of Climate Change in Integrated Assessment Models. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 16; 3-4, 467-504.

    Aanesen, M., C. Armstrong, T. Borch, R. Fieler, V. Hausner, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): To tell or not to tell: Preference elicitation with and without emphasis on scientific uncertainty Land Economics. Published online Jan. 23, 2023 DOI:

    Chen, W., K. Peters, D. Amon, M. Baker, J. Childs, M.C.S.  Gollner, K. Magnussen, A. Mondre, S. Navrud, P. A. Singh, P. Steinberg, and K. Willaert (2023). Assembling the Seabed: Pan-European and Inter-disciplinary Advances in Understanding Seabed Mining. Chapter 12 (p. 275-294) in S. Partelow, M. Hadjimichael, A-K.Hornidge (eds.) 2023Ocean Governance Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses. Springer. Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses | SpringerLink

    Iversen, E.K, Ø. N. Handberg, K. Grimsrud. H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): Ser vi atter slike fjell og dalar? Avveiningen mellom lokaløkonomi og naturkostnader ved hytteutbygging. (The trade-off between local economic impacts and nature costs from recreational home developments) Samfunnsøkonomen nr 1-2023, s. 26-38. (Journal of the Norwegian Association of Economists; In Norwegian. Awarded best paper in 2022/23)

    Aanesen, M., M. Czajkowski, H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): Trade-offs in the transition to a blue economy - Mapping social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway. Science of the Total Environment 859 (2), Feb. 10 2023, 160199

    Namugenyi, I., S. Navrud, J. Scholderer & S.E.  Tione (2023): Do biomass technology innovations improve subjective well-being? Traditional versus improved cookstoves in Uganda. Sustainability, 15, 3487

    A. K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem, and S. Navrud (2023). Place attachment and preferences for wind energy – A value-based approach, Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103094.

    Chen, W., K. Peters, D. Amon, M. Baker, J. Childs, M.C.S.  Gollner, K. Magnussen, A. Mondre, S. Navrud, P. A. Singh, P. Steinberg, and K. Willaert (2023). Assembling the Seabed: Pan-European and Inter-disciplinary Advances in Understanding Seabed Mining. Chapter 12 (p. 275-294) in S. Partelow, M. Hadjimichael, A-K.Hornidge (eds.) 2023: Ocean Governance Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses. Springer. Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses | SpringerLink

    Iversen, E.K, Ø. N. Handberg, K. Grimsrud. H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): Ser vi atter slike fjell og dalar? Avveiningen mellom lokaløkonomi og naturkostnader ved hytteutbygging. (in Norw.). Samfunnsøkonomen nr 1-2023, s. 26-38.

    Kaushal, K. & S. Navrud (2023):  Accounting for Biodiversity Costs of Climate Change in Integrated Assessment Models. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics Economics: 16; 3-4, 467-504.

    Aanesen, M., M. Czajkowski, H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): Trade-offs in the transition to a blue economy - Mapping social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway. Science of The Total Environment 859 (2), Feb. 10 2023, 160199.

    Aanesen, M., C. Armstrong, T. Borch, R. Fieler, V. Hausner, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem & S. Navrud (2023): To tell or not to tell: Preference elicitation with and without emphasis on scientific uncertainty. Forthcoming in Land Economics.

    Namugenyi, I., S. Navrud, J. Scholderer & S.E.  Tione (2023): Do biomass technology innovations improve subjective well-being? Traditional versus improved cookstoves in Uganda. Sustainability, 15, 3487

    Dugstad, A. & S. Navrud (2022): The Reliability of Delphi Surveys and Benefit Transfer to Predict Outcomes of Contingent Valuation Surveys. Land Economics. December 2022 DOI:10.3368/le.99.3.051922-0037R

    Lindhjem, H., A. Dugstad, K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg & S. Navrud (2022): Medvind for landbasert vindkraft eller stille før ny storm? Vi har tatt tempen på folks preferanser for videre utbygging. Samfunnsøkonomen nr. 5- 2022; 48-61.

    Kourantidou, M., L.N.H Verbrugge, P.J. Haubrock, R.N. Cuthbert, S. Navrud et al (2022): The economic costs, management and regulation of biological invasions in the Nordic countries. Journal of Environmental Management. Published online Oct 21 2022

    Brouwer, R., R. Pinto, A. Dugstad and S. Navrud (2022): The Economic Value of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Ecosystem Services: A Meta-Analysis of the Brazilian Literature. PLOS ONE. Published online May 19th 2022.

    Aweke, A. T. and S. Navrud (2022): Valuing energy poverty costs: Household welfare loss from electricity blackouts in developing countries. Energy Economics; 109 (May 2022), 105943; available online March 2022

    Vondolia, G.K., A. Mensah Kusi, S. R. King, and S. Navrud (2022): Valuing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Developing Countries. Sustainability 2022, 14(8), 4484;

    Dugstad, A., K. Grimsrud, G. Kipperberg, H. Lindhjem og S. Navrud (2022): Place attachment and preferences for land-based wind power – A discrete choice experiment. Statistics Norway, Research Department Discussion Papers 974/2022

    Johnston, R.J., K.J. Boyle, M.L. Loureiro, S. Navrud and J. Rolfe (2021): Guidance to Enhance the Validity and Credibility of Environmental Benefit Transfers. Environmental and Resource Economics. Published online first June 16, 2021. p. 1-50.

    Hao Yin, Michael Brauer, Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, Wenjia Cai, Ståle Navrud et al. (2021): Population ageing and deaths attributable to ambient PM2·5 pollution: a global analysis of economic cost. The Lancet Planetary Health, vol 5(6): e356-e367. DOI:

    Blaalid, R., K. Magnussen, N.B. Westberg & S. Navrud (2021): A benefit-cost analysis framework for prioritization of control programs for well-established invasive alien species. NeoBiota 68; 31-52.

    Caspersen, E and S. Navrud (2021): The sharing economy and consumer preferences for environmentally sustainable last mile deliveries. Transportation Research D: Transport and Environment, 95, 102863

    Caspersen, E, S. Navrud and J. Bengtsson (2021): Act locally? Are female online shoppers willing to pay to reduce the carbon footprint of last mile deliveries? Forthcoming in International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 

    Ratnaweera, D., A. Heistad and S. Navrud (2021): The current use and potential of cost-benefit analysis in water sector projects. Water supply 21 (4); 1438-1449.

    Stensland, S., A. Dugstad and S. Navrud (2021): The recreational value of Atlantic salmon angling under different fishing regulations. Fisheries Management and Ecology . Published online May 04 2021

    Stensland, S., A. Dugstad and S. Navrud (2021): Strengere fiskeregler og rekreasjonsverdi ? Villaksnytt 2-2021; 34-36.

    Megos Meressa, A.  & S. Navrud (2020): Not My Cup of Coffee. Farmers’ Preferences for Coffee Variety Traits - Lessons for Crop Breeding in the Age of Climate Change.  Forthcoming in Bio-based and Applied Economics (BAE). Published Online Dec 14 2020. DOI: 10.13128/bae-7758

    Grimsrud, K.M, D.N Barton, S. Navrud  & H. Lindhjem (2020): Verdsetting av naturgoder i FNs naturregnskap. Samfunnsøkonomen nr. 5 -2020; 51-69

    Dugstad, A, K. Grimsrud, H. Lindhjem, G. Kipperberg and S. Navrud (2020): Acceptance of National Wind Power Development and Exposure - Not-in-anybody's-backyard. Energy Policy 147:111780. September 2020.DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111780

    Sabyrbekov, R, M. Dallimier and S. Navrud (2020): Nature affinity and willingness to pay for urban green spaces in a developing country. Landscape and Urban Planning 194; (February 2020).

    Aa Skei, M.; H. Lindhjem; S. Skjeflo and S. Navrud (2019): Smartphone and tablet effects in contingent valuation web surveys – No reason to worry? Ecological Economics 165 Article 106390 (November 2019)

    Navrud, S. and G.K. Vondolia (2019): Farmers preferences for reductions in flood risk under monetary and non-monetary payment modes.  Water Resources and Economics. Published online Sept18 2019

    Lindhjem, L., A. Dugstad, K. Grimsrud, Ø. N. Handberg, G. Kipperberg, E. Kløw og S. Navrud (2019): Vindkraft i motvind – Miljøkostnadene er ikke til å blåse av. «Aktuell kommentar» i Samfunnsøkonomen nr 4-2019; s. 6-17 (In Norwegian)

    Bomann, M., N. Strange, B. Kriström, S. Navrud and S. Moonsammy (2019): Can happiness be a welfare indicator? Validity testing using sustainability indicators. Paper presented at the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 24th annual conference, Manchester, UK, June 26-29,2019

    Dugstad, A. and S. Navrud (2019): How Relilable are Expert Predictions of Households´ Willingness-to-Pay to Preserve the Amazon Rainforest. Comparing Contingent Valuation, Delphi Surveys and Benefit Transfer. Paper presented at the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 24th annual conf, Manchester, UK, June 26-29,2019

     Vondolia, G. K. and S. Navrud (2019). Are Non-monetary Payment Modes More Uncertain for Stated Preference Elicitation in Developing Countries? Journal of Choice Modelling 30; 73-87.

    Navrud, S. and J. Strand 2018: Valuing Global Ecosystem Services - What Do European Experts Say? Applying the Delphi Method to Contingent Valuation of the Amazon Rainforest.  Environmental and Resource Economics. 70(1): 249-269.

    Grimsrud, K., H. Lindhjem, D.N. Barton and S. Navrud (2018): Challenges to ecosystem service valuation for wealth accounting. Chapter 5 (p. 136-151) in Shunsuke, M. and P. Kumar (eds) 2018:  Inclusive Wealth Report 2018. Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability. Routledge, London and New York.

    Torgersen, G and S. Navrud (2018): Singing in the rain: Valuing the economic benefits of avoiding insecurity from urban flooding. Journal of Flood Risk Management. Published online February 11 2018.

    Navrud, S. and J. Strand 2018: Valuing Global Ecosystem Services - What Do European Experts Say? Applying the Delphi Method to Contingent Valuation of the Amazon Rainforest.  Environmental and Resource Economics 70 (1); 249-269.

    Aanesen, M., J. Falk-Andersson, G. K.Vondolia, T. Borch, S. Navrud & Dugald Tinch (2018): Valuing coastal recreation and the visual intrusion from commercial activities in Arctic Norway. Ocean and Coastal Management 153; 157-167.

    Liland, A., Y. Tomkiv, D.H. Ougthon, S. Navrud, E. Romstad and L. Skuterud (2017): The power of  collaborative deliberation in stakeholder dialogue seminars.  Journal of Risk Research. Published online 22. sept. 2017.

    Navrud, S., H. Lindhjem and K. Magnussen 2017: Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services Loss from Oil Spills for Use in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Preventive Measures. Chapter 5 (p. 124-137) in Nunes, P. A.L.D., L. E. Svensson, and A. Markandya (eds.) 2017: Handbook on the Economics and Management of Sustainable Oceans. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

    Strand, J.,  R. Carson, S. Navrud, A. Ortiz-Bobea, and J.T. Vincent (2017). Using the Delphi Method to Value Protection of the Amazon Rainforest. Ecological Economics 131: 475-484.

    Navrud, S. (2017). Possibilities and challenges in transfer and generalisation of monetary estimates for environmental and health benefits of regulating chemicals. OECD Environment Working Papers No. 119, OECD Publishing, Paris.

    Navrud, S. (2016): Miljørapportering - fra utslippsregnskap til økosystemtjenester og miljøkostnader? Praktisk økonomi & finans 32 (3); 274-281.

    Sandorf, E. D., M. Aanesen,, and S. Navrud (2016): Valuing Unfamiliar and Complex Environmental Goods: A Comparison of Valuation Workshops and Internet Panel Surveys with Videos. Ecological Economics 129; 50-61.

    Navrud, S. 2016: Miljøverdsetting - verdsettingsmetoder og verdioverføring. Kapittel 1 i K. P. Hagen og G.H. Volden (red.) 2016:  Investeringsprosjekter og miljøkosekvenser. Concept rapport nr. 48. Ex Ante Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim. In Norwegian. (Environmental Valuation - valuation methods and value transfer. Chapter 1 in K.P Hagen and G. Volden (eds) 2016: Investment projects and environmental impacts. Concept report no. 48. Ex Ante Academic Publishers, Trondheim, Norway). ISBN 978-82-93253-51-8.

    Lindhjem, H. and S. Navrud 2015: Reliability of Meta-analytic Benefit Transfers of International Value of Statistical Life Estimates: Tests and Illustrations. Chapter 22 in R. Johnston, R. Rosenberger, R. Brouwer and J. Rolfe (2015):Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer.

    Brouwer, R. and S. Navrud 2015: The use of benefit transfer in Europe. Chapter 3 in R. Johnston, R. Rosenberger, R. Brouwer and J. Rolfe (2015) : Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. Springer.

    Aanesen, M; C. Armstrong, M. Czajkowski, J.  Falk-Petersen, N. Hanley and S. Navrud 2015: Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: Preserving cold-water corals in Norway. Ecological Economics 112; 53-67.

    Ellingsen, K., K. Grimsrud., H.M. Nielsen, C. Mejdell, I. Olesen., P. Honkanen, S. Navrud, C. Gamborg  and P. Sandøe 2015: Who cares about Fish Welfare? A Norwegian Study. British Food Journal., 117(1); 257 – 273. Published online 20.12.14

    Lindhjem, H ., K. Grimsrud, S. Navrud and S. O. Kolle 2015: The Social Benefits and Costs of Preserving Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 4. Published online 3.12.14

    Strand, J., R.T Carson, S. Navrud, A. Ortiz-Bobea, J. Vincent 2014: A “Delphi Exercise” as a Tool in Amazon Rainforest Valuation. Policy Research Working Paper 7143. The World Bank, Washington D.C,. December 2014. 46 pp.

    Adobor, R. D., P. Joranger, H. Steen, S. Navrud and J. I. Brox  2014: A health economic evaluation of screening and treatment in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Scoliosis, 9:21. Published online 12.12.14

    Lindhjem, H.; K. Magnussen og S. Navrud 2014: Verdsetting av velferdstap ved oljeutslipp fra skip – Fra storm til smulere farvann (?); Samfunnsøkonomen nr 6 2014; 25-39.(Valuing welfare loss from marine oil spills - from storm to quiet waters (?). Published i peer-reviewed Norwegian journal  "Economist" (Samfunnsøkonomen), 2014 (6); 25-39. 

    Magnussen, K., H. Lindhjem og S. Navrud 2014: Verdsetting av skader på marine økosystemtjenester fra oljeutslipp. Vann (Tidskriftet for Norsk Vannforening); 49(1); 36-46.( Valuing damages to marine ecosystem services from oil spills. Published in peer reviewed Norwegian journal "Water", 49(1); 36-46.

     Czajkowski, M., A. Bartczak, M. Giergiczny, S. Navrud and T. Zylicz (2014): Providing preference-based support for forest ecosystem service management. Forest Policy and Econ 39;1-12.

     Strand, J., R.T. Carson, S. Navrud, A. Ortiz-Bobea and J. R. Vincent (2014): The Delphi Method as a Tool in Amazon Rainforest Valuation. Association of Environmental and Resource Economists AERE Newsletter 34 (1); 15-19

     Brouwer, R.,B.D. Tinh., T.H. Tuan, K. Magnussen, and S. Navrud (2014): Modeling demand for catastrophic flood risk insurance in coastal zones in Vietnam using choice experiments. Environment and Development Economics, 19: 228-249

     Vondolia, K.G., H. Eggert, S. Navrud and J. Stage 2014: What Do Respondents Bring to Contingent Valuation? A Comparison of Monetary and Labor Payment Vehicles. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 3 (3); 253-267.

    Mitani, Y. and S. Navrud (2014): Using Ecological Information in Choice Experiments to Value Ecosystem Services Restoration Programs in East Asia. Chapter 21 (p. 391-406)   in Nunes, Paulo A.L.D,  Pushpam Kumar and Tom Dedeurwaerdere (eds.) 2014: Handbook on Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK; Northampton, MA, USA

    Carson, R.T.; M. B. Conaway & S. Navrud (2013): Preliminary valuation of a cultural heritage site of global significance: a Delphi contingent valuation study. Chapter 31 (pp. 586-612) in Rizzo, I and A. Mignosa (eds.) 2013: Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA, USA.

     Navrud, S. og K. Magnussen (2013):Valuing the Impacts of Natural Disasters and the Economic Benefits of Preventing them.. Chapter 3 (p. 57-79) in Guha-Sapir, D. & I. Santos (eds.) 2013: The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York.

     Grimsrud, K.M.; H.M. Nielsen, S. Navrud and I. Olesen (2013): Households´s willingness-to-pay for improved Fish welfare in breeding programs for farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 372-375; 19-27.

     Riera, P.; G. Signorello, M. Thiene; P-A. Mahieu, S. Navrud, P. Kaval, B. Rulleau; R. Mavsar; L. Madureira; J. Meyerhoff; P. Elsasser; S. Notaro; M. De Salvo; M. Giergiczny and S. Dragoi 2012: Non-market valuation of forest goods and services: Good practice guidelines; Journal of Forest Economics 18(4); 259-270. ttp://

     Brander, L.  I. Bräuer, H. Gerdes, A. Ghermandi, O. Kuik, A. Markandya, S. Navrud, P. Nunes, M. Schaafsma, H. Vos, and A. Wagtendonk 2012: Using meta-analysis and GIS for value transfer and scaling up: Valuing Climate Induced Losses of  European Wetlands. Environmental and Resource Economics, 52 (3); 395–413

     Navrud, S., Tuan, T. H. and Tinh, B. D. 2012: Estimating the welfare loss to households from natural disasters in developing countries: a contingent valuation study of flooding in Vietnam. Global Health Action 2012 (5); 17609

     H. Lindhjem, S. Navrud, N.A. Braathen, and V. Biausque 2011: Valuing lives saved from environment, transport and health policies. A meta analysis. Risk Analysis 31 (9); 1381-1407.

    Bateman, I. J.; Brouwer, R.; Ferrini, S.; Schaafsma, M; Barton, D..N.; Dubgaard, A.; Hasler, B.; Hime, S.; Liekens, I.; S. Navrud; De Nocker, L.; Sceponaviciute, R.; Semeniene, D. 2011: Making Benefit Transfers Work: Deriving and Testing Principles for Value Transfers for Similar and Dissimilar Sites Using a Case Study of the Non-Market Benefits of Water Quality Improvements Across Europe. Environmental and Resource Economics 50 (3);365-387.

     Lindhjem, H. and S. Navrud 2011: Using Internet in Stated Preference Surveys: A review and comparison of survey modes.  International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 5 (4); 309–351

    Lindhjem, H. and S. Navrud 2011: Are internet surveys an alternative to face-to-face interviews in contingent valuation? Ecological Economics 70 (9); 1628-1637

     Navrud, S. and J. Strand 2011: Using Hedonic Pricing for Estimating Compensation Payments for Noise and Other Externalities from New Roads. Chapter 2 (p. 14-36) in Bennett, J. (ed.) 2011: International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

    Desaigues, B., Ami, D., Bartczak, A., Braun-Kohlová, M., Chilton, S., Czajkowski, M., Farreras, V., Hunt, A., Hutchison, M., Jeanrenaud, C., Kaderjak, P., MácA, V., Markiewicz, O., Markowska, A., Metcalf, H., Navrud, S., Nielsen, J.S., Ortiz, R., Pellegrini, S., Rabl, A., Riera, R., Scasny, M., Stoeckel, M.-E., Szántó, R., Urban, J. (2011): Economic  valuation of air pollutants. Ecological Indicators 11 (3); 902 – 910

  • Undervisning

    Miljø- og Ressursøkonomi (Environmental and Resource Economics) (ECN 170)

    Miljø- og Ressursøkonomi (SEVU-kurs) (ECN 170F)

    Cost Benefit Project Evaluation and Environmental Valuation (ECN 271)

    Environmental Management and Sustainability Reporting (BUS 311)

    Climate Economics (ECN 372)



  • Forskning og prosjekter