PhD degree - Public Defence: Anne Mari Herfindal, Fakultet for kjemi, bioteknologi og matvitenskap (KBM) forsvarer sin ph.d.-avhandling «Effekter av FODMAP og reaktive oksygenforbindelser (ROS) på tarmmikrobiota – implikasjoner for tarmhelsen» fredag 04. oktober, 2024.
English title of thesis:
Impact of FODMAP and reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the gut microbiota – implications for gut health
Norwegian title of the thesis:
Effekter av FODMAP og reaktive oksygenforbindelser (ROS) på tarmmikrobiota – implikasjoner for tarmhelsen
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture (Approved):
Effects of dietary fiber on the gut microbiota and host health
The trial lecture was held on June 19th, 2024.
Evaluation committee - trial lecture:
Associate professor Sabina Leanti La Rosa
Associate professor Catrin Tyl
Professor Lars-Gustav Snipen
Time and place for the public defence:
Friday October 4th 2024, at 12.15.
The defence will be held at NMBU in Festsalen, Urbygningen, NMBU.
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Dr. David James Clarke, School of Microbiology, University College Cork (UCC)
Cork, Ireland
Second opponent: Associate Professor Vibeke Telle Hansen, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Oslo, Norway
Committee coordinator: Associate professor Sabina Leanti La Rosa, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Main supervisor:
Professor Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn, KBM, NMBU
Professor Harald Carlsen, KBM, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to:
Thesis number 2024:21; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-2143-1
4. oktober - Anne Mari Herfindal (KBM)