14. og 15. des - Karen Richardsen Moberg (LANDSAM)

Av Josie Teurlings

PhD Karen R. Moberg
Foto: Karen Moberg

Ph.d.-grad - Prøveforelesning og disputas:
Karen Richardsen Moberg, Fakultet for Landskap og samfunn (LANDSAM), forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgaven "Bærekraftig kommunal arealbruksstyring: Tenke det, ønske det, ville det – men gjøre det?" 14. og 15. desember 2023.

Please note that the trial lecture will be given on 14 December and the public defence will take place 15 December.

English title of thesis:
"Sustainable municipal land use governance: Thinking it, wishing it, wanting it – but doing it? ".

Title of the trial lecture:
What practical and workable changes need to be made to the Norwegian planning system to achieve a more sustainable, just and legitimate development of land

Thursday 14 December:

Place and time of the trial lecture:
Festsalen (U215), Clock Building (mazemap)

14:00 Welcome and trial lecture

ZOOM (Meeting ID: 668 6642 0769, Passcode: 279655)

Friday 15 December:

Place and time of the public defence:
Gulvepsen, Bikuben (mazemap)

14:00 Welcome
14:15 Presentation of the research and public defence

ZOOM (Meeting ID: 616 6096 6914, Passcode: 443023)

Evaluation Committee:

  • Professor Simin Davoudi, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK
  • Professor emeritus Louis Albrechts, Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Professor Jin Xue, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU


  • Professor Emeritus Petter Næss, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, NMBU
  • Senior Researcher, PhD Kyrre Groven, Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway

ISSN:1894-6402 ISBN: 978-82-575-2027-4 Thesis number: 2023:45

Everybody is most welcome to the whole event!

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