4. desember – Marie Bjørneby (HH)

Av Emma Susanna Hidas

Marie Bjørneby
Foto: Håkon Sparre

Ph.d-grad - Prøveforelesning og disputas. Marie Bjørneby, Handelshøyskolen (HH), forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgave "Taxation of Income and Wealth in an Imperfect World: Rates Matter, Rules Decide" 4. desember 2023.

Norwegian title of the thesis:

"Skatt på inntekt og formue i en imperfekt verden: Satser teller, regler avgjør"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:

"Optimal capital taxation"

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:

4th December 2023, 12:15 at room T401, the Tower Building (4th floor), NMBU, Christian Magnus Falsens vei 30, Ås.


12:15 Welcome and trial lecture

13:05 Break

13:20 Presentation of the thesis and public defence

Evaluation committee:

First opponent: Professor Helena Svaleryd, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Second opponent: Professor Daniel Waldenström, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden.

Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Jens Bengtsson, School of Economics and Business, NMBU


Main supervisor: Professor Annette Alstadsæter, School of Economics and Business, NMBU

Co-supervisor: Kjetil Telle, Director of Health Services Research at Norwegian Institute of Public Health

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.

Thesis number 2023:66, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-2096-0.

Read more about the thesis here.

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