Cancelled: Skatteforsk Seminar with Helena Svaleryd

Av Hector Enoc Ulloa Chinchilla

Helena Svaleryd sammen med Skatteforsks logo
Helena Svaleryd will be holding Skatteforsk's December seminar.

Unfortunately, today’s seminar is cancelled.

In the third seminar this autumn we are excited to receive Helena Svaleryd, Professor of Economics at Uppsala University, Sweden. She will present the paper “Remote Instruction and Student Mental Health. Swedish Evidence from the Pandemic".


When COVID-19 reached Sweden, upper-secondary students (ages 17–19) transitioned to remote instruction, while lower-secondary schools (ages 14–16) remained open. We use this setting as a natural experiment to analyze how modes of instruction affect student mental health. We find a 4.4 percent decrease in mental healthcare use from remote instruction, primarily due to fewer diagnoses and prescriptions for depression and anxiety. The reduction persists throughout the study period; 21 months after the initial closure and 9 months after schools resumed usual operations. This suggests potential mental health benefits from remote instruction, at least in the medium term.

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Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research ble tildelt 30 millioner kroner av Norges forskningsråd i 2023 og er en del av NMBU Handelshøyskolen.Skatteforsk forsker på spørsmål rundt skatt og aktørers adferd. Målet er å levere forskning som holder høy internasjonal standard og bidra til en kunnskapsbasert samfunnsdebatt. Vi har forskere fra ti land: Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Finland, Storbritannia, Irland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Belgia, USA, Japan og Israel. 

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