Welcome to Skatteforsk – Centre for Tax Research’s October seminar!
In the first seminar this autumn we are excited to be visited by Jakob Miethe, assistant professor at the department of economics of the University of Munich (LMU). He will present the paper “Lost in Information: National Implementation of Global Tax Agreements” (a joint work with Skatteforsk-researchers Annette Alstadsæter, Elisa Casi-Eberhard, and Barbara Stage).
The seminar is open and everyone is welcome to join!
Time: Thursday 19 of October, 11:15-12:00.
Place: T433, Tower building.
Contact person: Eivind Bjørkås (eivind.bjorkas@nmbu.no).
We study how national implementation shapes the success of global tax agreements. In an unprecedented act of global coordination, countries have recently implemented a global multilateral network of automatic information exchange on financial account data, the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).
Two parties, the sending, and the receiving countries need to be able to process information to make the CRS work. We build a novel database on local enforcement at the sending country level and on tax authority capacity at the receiving country level and study how they shape individual reactions to the CRS.
Using micro-level data, we find a significant increase in bank transfers from tax havens to Norway from deposits owned through several layers of secrecy after the local introduction of the CRS, suggesting a possible legalization of previously unreported income and wealth abroad.
Further analysis provide evidence that this takes place mainly through transfers from tax havens with a high level of local enforcement. Relying on macroeconomic data on cross-border bank deposits, we employ model averaging techniques to establish the most important characteristics of the receiving countries that make the CRS more effective.
Our results suggest that receiving country information processing capabilities matter for the success of the CRS.
It is also possible to join the seminar online, via Teams, by using this link. Login information: Meeting ID: 338 460 583 525
Passcode: pvLDBw
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- Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research ble tildelt 30 millioner kroner av Norges forskningsråd i 2023 og er en del av NMBU Handelshøyskolen.
- Skatteforsk forsker på spørsmål rundt skatt og aktørers adferd. Målet er å levere forskning som holder høy internasjonal standard og bidra til en kunnskapsbasert samfunnsdebatt. Vi har forskere fra ti land: Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Finland, Storbritannia, Irland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Belgia, USA, Japan og Israel.