20 okt – Regine Victoria Holt (BIOVIT)

Av Mara Dagestad

Regine Victoria Holt
Regine Victoria Holt Foto: Animalia

Ph.d.-grad- Prøveforelesning og disputas
Regine Victoria Holt, Fakultet for biovitenskap (BIOVIT) forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgave “Selektive kyllinger: Kyllingens livskvalitet er et spørsmål om valg" 20 okt. 2023.

English title of thesis:
"Choosy chicks: Chicken life quality is a matter of choices"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
“Positive animal welfare: From theory to practice”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Friday 20 Oct at 13.00, room H109, Husdyrfagbygningen, NMBU

You may also attend this event via Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/61264560541

Evaluation committee:
Prof. Janice Marie Siegford, Michigan State University
Senior Scientific Officer Stephanie Anna Francina Buijs, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
Prof. Øyvind Øverli, NMBU

Main supervisor: Prof. Ruth Newberry, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Researcher Judit Vas, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Inger Lise Andersen, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Prof. Linda Keeling, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Co-supervisor: Dr. Guro Vasdal, Animalia

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: phd-biovit@nmbu.no
Name of PhD candidate: Regine Victoria Holt

Publisert - Oppdatert

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