25. september - Sofia Diaz-Lundahl (VET)

Av Oliver Xingwen Li

Sofia Diaz-Lundahl
Foto: Sofia Diaz-Lundahl

Ph.d-grad – Prøveforelesning og disputas.

Sofia Diaz-Lundahl, Institutt for produksjonsdyrmedisin (ProdMed), Veterinærhøgskolen forsvarer sin doktorgradsoppgave "Embryo loss in Norwegian Red cattle- subclinical endometritis and paternal contribution to early embryo development" den 25. september 2023.

English title of thesis
"Embryo loss in Norwegian Red cattle- subclinical endometritis and paternal contribution to early embryo development"

Norwegian title of thesis
"Embryodød hos Norsk Rødt Fe- subklinisk endometritt og paternal innvirkning på tidlig embryoutvikling"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
“From calving to insemination: What happens in the ovaries and uterus?”

Date: 25 September 2023 (Oslo time)

  • 0900 hrs: Trial lecture (including questions and comments)
  • 1000 hrs: Break
  • 1100 hrs: Public defense

All are welcome to attend this event in Auditorium Hippocampus or on Zoom (no prior registration is required).

Evaluation committee

  • First Opponent: Professor Jørgen Steen Agerholm, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Second Opponent: Professor Renée Båge, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
  • Committee Coordinator: Associate Professor Karin Zimmer, NMBU, Norway


  • Main supervisor: Professor Anette Krogenæs, NMBU, Norway
  • Co-supervisor: Dr Arvind Y.M Sundaram, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Norway

A PDF version of the PhD candidate's thesis can be download here. The link is valid through 25 September 2023, after which the thesis will be made available in NMBU Brage.

Publisert - Oppdatert

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